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October Cheshire Meet, Including Guests From Westfield Sportscars.

Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

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A bit of an advance reminder this, next week, the 4th October is our regular Cheshire meet, this month, Julian Turner and Simon Westwood will be joining us for a beer and a chat.

We might even have a extra, four wheeled visitor if it can be tempted out...

Look forward to seeing you all there.

The Whipping Stocks, just outside Knutsford, 8pm start, (though people start arriving anytime after 7.30, specially if you want to order food)


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Are Julian and Simon buying the beer then, haven't seen Simon since Stoneleigh and Julian since when I collected my kit a few years back. Be good to catch up again, hope my work commitments don't spoil the outing.

I'm interested in the four wheel visitor can you expand or is it a bit secret still.

Bob :d

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Great Ad!

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The Whipping staocks beer must be good for them to travel that far for a pint , have to wonder what the real reason for the visit is :oops:

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Just a reminder, October's nearly with us, the Cheshire Meet's on Thursday!

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Hi Dave,

Will try and be there lets hope the bring the new four wheeled beast, othwise will be good to catch up!

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Sadly, Omex haven't finished with the red car yet, (was due out tomorrow, but looks like it'll be next week before they're done), so beer and a chat with Julian and Simon it is!

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That's a shame, see you there Dave.... Andy

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A little friendly push from your MemSec (for it is he): Please get out and support this meet if you can. Julian and Simon are making a special effort and travelling quite a way up the M6 in rush hour traffic, not in order to be your mates (you've already got the car) but to get your opinions and your feedback, to give you the news and also their side of things as well, in order to help both the company and your club benefit now and in the future. Please go, give constructive opinions and feedback, and take advantage of the fact you're getting the rare opportunity to interact with the top brass who are eager to listen and learn.

I really don't care if you show up in the Westfield, your tin top, the Number 29 bus, your push bike or on foot - just please go. Thanks! :t-up:

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Hi Martin,

Please don't feel left out as we are trying to visit all area meets over the next few months.

Julian went to the Wirral/N. Wales meet last night and as you all know we are attending the Cheshire meet tomorrow night.

As soon as time permits we will contact all AO's to see if we can join the monthly meetings.

Kind regards


Simon Westwood

Sales & Marketing Manager

Westfield Sports Cars Ltd


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