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Predict The Date & Time Of The One Millionth Post

Captain Colonial

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Scott, I trust all went well. Nice to see you back.

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Thanks Norman, nice to be back. As I anticipated, all didn't go well and my life will be extremely complicated for a while, but one can't choose one's relatives - and if one could, I certainly wouldn't have chosen mine. Still, my father's wishes were followed, so that's good. :)

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Scott, I know exactly what you mean. Best thing is not to get to annoyed and laugh it off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thread now pinned (until number of posts reaches 995,000) for your comfort and pleasure! :laugh::t-up::cool:

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Makes it easier to add random posts to get us nearer the magical numbers then

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Ah yes, but as per the OP, only one guess allowed - but you can alter your original guess until the thread is locked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Scott, will it be possible to link the millionth post to the individual post? Just being curious. Thanks.

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Hmmmm...don't know. That's a setting that, if it exists, is going to be buried somewhere deep in the bowels of the boardroom. I'll have a look - I may be some time.

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Can't see anything I'm afraid Norman, but I am a pleb compared to Tigger and webmaster. There is a device in there for creating a "Hook" which might do the trick, but way beyond my capabilities - you could try and beg those two to set one up for the 1,000,000th post, but no guarantees, not qualified to say whether or not it's possible. :)

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No, no problem, it was just idle curiosity. The system would need to stamp each post with a sequential number. I can't think why anyone would want that so guess it doesn't do it.

More important is if the system counter is date and time stamped. If not how will we know what time the millionth post took place. The date is easy, there's enough people watching it, (or will be)

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More important is if the system counter is date and time stamped. If not how will we know what time the millionth post took place. The date is easy, there's enough people watching it, (or will be)

Oh, I think we'll know. The excitement level should be quite high, and with you keeping an eagle eye on things, I doubt anyone will let the moment pass.

Plus with only just over 6,000 posts before the guesses are locked and hidden, the odds of it being directly and equally between two guesses is pretty extreme. :)

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So, we have to watch it. Better be during the day then, 'cause I'm not staying up all night to see it.

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12/12/12 @ 12:12 :laugh:

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doh!! just read past posts ok

12/12/12 @ 12:15 !

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