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Old Driving License


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Unfortunately if you loose your paper part you will need to replace both parts of your licence. It costs I think £22 last time I looked.

Here's the link https://motoring.direct.gov.uk/service/DvoConsumer.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=DUP&_nfls=false

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Mat, sorry, no competition, just asking if anyone's had more speeding fines.

Sorry it came across in bad taste.

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Ref Mat's comments, in the 60s the Surrey Police suddenly changed their Wolsley's and Triumph's for Ford and Cosworth Cortina GTs and were taught how to drive them, they parked up out of sight and would chase anything they thought was 3 miles over the limit, it was your word against theirs, even my Grand Mother got an endorsment in her Austin A30 which produced more power from the engine breather than the flywheel. It was a relief that when the totting up proceedure was introduced the Police then had to produce electronic proof. I now live in a Sussex Downs village where at certain times trafic grinds to a standstill. We however have 7 permanent GATO's within a 5 mile radius and a mobile camera sits in most of the surrounding villages on a weekly basis. All in the interests of road safety??? No just extra income.

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can I be a pedant and say Lotus-Cortina or Cortina-Lotus (MK 1 and MK 2)

I believe that Cosworth sorted out the breathing of the Harry Munday designed head to get the expected power. But that may be myth.

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You can, they operated Lotus Cortinas/cosworth engine and Cortina GT /Ford engine and they were MK1 and unmarked.

My Uncle had a Mk2 Cortina GT Estate very few of these were made!!

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Sorry Iain, I'm confused.

The Lotus Twin cam was not developed by Cosworth (unless the story of gas flowing is true).

Harry Munday designed the head & front end for Lotus.

Or have I got it wrong?

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Me too, I worked for Ford in those days and we always called it a Cosworth engine, mind you in later years I worked for 15 years for ( the original Rolls-Rocye Motors ), We made all sorts of internal combustion and gas turbine engines for world wide vehicle and industrial manufacurers, they would rebrand our product and parts as theirs and grind the Rolls-Royce name off the castings. So I expect thats what Fords did!! all the parts, (rebuild was about every 5000miles ) were refered to as Ford and we called them Cossie Cortinas and they were bl**** quick. I never owned one, but in 1971 I did buy probably the best replacement, a BMW 2002 Tii, it was faultless it cost a staggering £5000 new about 15% dearer than a new Jaguar, it replaced a Lancia Fulvia Rally Coupe just a couple of cars I should have kept. But where?????

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Iain, We are talking about the Lotus Twin cam engine aren't we?

As far as I know Cosworth had nothing whatsoever to do with it. Other than a rumour that they did some breathing work on the finished article it was a Lotus engine.

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I can remember the Lotus Cortina very well, usually if not always white (or was it cream?) with a green flash down each side.

I've never heard of a Cosworth Cortina however. ??? ???

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From what I remember the 1st Lotus twin cam engine was designed by Harry Munday at Colin Chapmans direction and was fitted to the Elan and Cortina mk. 1. It was not ever called a Cosworth engine I'm sure. Cosworth engines was a seperate company run by Keith Duckworth and Mike Costin that eventually took on the further developement of Lotus engines. Both Companies were being supported by Ford as they saw them as partners for the racing and sporty aspiration in Ford saloon cars.

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Sootie, that's how I read it.

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I can remember the Lotus Cortina very well, usually if not always white (or was it cream?) with a green flash down each side.

I've never heard of a Cosworth Cortina however. ??? ???

The mk1's were all Ermine white with a green flash, Mk2's were Ermine white with a green flash and a few Red with a Gold flash.

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Yes, Norman. I only know about L.Cortinas as they were my dream cars from when I was able to drive, unfortunately never been able to a afford one. Everytime I had a bit of spare cash the price had gone up a by a few thousand. Latest price for one these days is £30k - £60K if you can find one for sale.

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Mine was all white. Didn't get stopped too often :)

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