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Old Driving License


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I got gatso'ed at 101 on the M6 near Kendal.

I sat around the magistrates court (in an old school) all day and got talking to the CPS chap. He said the offence would be £100 fine and 42 day ban. The two elderly ladies (I never said old biddies) heard the evidence, that I had speeded up to that speed to avoid a white BMW coming up on the outside lane very fast and I couldn't move over due to HGVs in the 2 inner lanes. I also explained that to lose my licence would mean several people would lose their jobs as I wouldn't be able to drive around the country getting orders.

Now, you can stop weeping and dry your eyes.

The two old biddies, one was wearing a hat with a long green feather in it, retired to consider (euphemism for yet another cup of tea) and then came back with £100 fine and 12 months ban.

The CPS chap couldn't believe it and advised I go to appeal.

So, I appealed and it was heard at Carlisle crown court. Got it reduced to 42 days but the judge said I couldn't use that mitigation in future as it was now recorded.

There's more to this story but lunch calls.

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OK, watered and fed.

We got to Carlisle Crown Court and there was a barrister calling for me, He took me in the robing room (shouldn't have and other briefs were complaining). He explained that the judge couldn't abide speeding motorists and the magistrates were wrong in saying they were issuing the maximum ban. As I'd been banned in the past 3 years the maximum was a 2 year ban. I could well appeal and walk away with a 2 year ban instead of 1 year.

I asked that I should do the talking and then I would accept whatever I got.

Sat around all morning, broke for lunch and returned. In the waiting room was a big chap with jeans, cowboy boots and a tee shirt with the legend "oops, i said a naughty word! the Queen".

We were the last two left and he gets called. After 20 minutes there is a rumpus and I see him being "escorted" out the premises by two large policeman. I asked the usher what had happened. He had appealed against his sentence for faulty brakes, lights, tyres, no tax, no insurance etc. The judge doubled the fine and ordered the car be crushed!

I thought about going home there and then!

But I then got called, gave my evidence to the nice judge and after his cup of tea he reduced the ban to 42 days.


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I can only sympathise with you regarding the inconsistencies of the Courts. I'm not willing to go into details at this time, but all your stuff is a drop in the Ocean compared to what I received once.

Rest assured that if you are in anything that can be described as a 'Sportscar' you've had it.

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I think you've posted what happened to you. Was it after an accident going through a hedge? If not, then apologies, wrong person.

I don't agree about "if you are in anything that can be described as a 'Sportscar' you've had it". I know a lot of traffic police and have been stopped by many more. A lot of these chaps are in the job because they're petrolheads. I've probably been told my driving was faultless but X mph was too fast for other road users. On one occasion I was stopped after we (unmarked car) reached 140 mph on the (empty) M1. I got a bollocking and told to drive slower. He also said my driving was as good as it could be otherwise he'd have done me for dangerous driving..

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I can only sympathise with you regarding the inconsistencies of the Courts. I'm not willing to go into details at this time, but all your stuff is a drop in the Ocean compared to what I received once.

Rest assured that if you are in anything that can be described as a 'Sportscar' you've had it.

you have not been knocked off your bike again have you

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Norman, Police maybe, but once you move beyond that it gets very bad to be in a sportscar.

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Rocket, was the NO for me or Steve?

Ah, I see what you mean and agree with that.

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We have strayed a long way from licence renewals, I had a red one in 1960, then a paper one ,then a pink and green one, moved house recntly and got a card and paper one all free of charge. The only time I was made to attend court was 1965, to account for a speeding offence with 15 previous endorsments ( no danger of licence loss at that time) I got a good telling off, a two pound £2.00 fine with £1.10 shilling costs, and made front page of the Dorking Advertiser. I have been a reformed character ever since???? There is no renewal notification I am informed for the 10 year licence,so beware if you had an early one, its about to expire

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Your tale reminds me of getting stopped doing 60 along the dual carriageway bit between Bow and Stratford in the rush hour.

Bike stopped me and I was charged with dangerous driving. The only time I've been so done.

Anyway, pleaded guilty and threw myself at the mercy of the court. Told the beaks that I'd sold the car as it was just to fast for me, a mere lad at 17.

The policeman was helpful and played it down. He had produced a map showing my speeds along this road.

At the conclusion I was fined £15 and banned for 6 months. Everyone was leaving the court when head beak asked policeman if there were any costs to be taken into consideration. "No", was the instant response, followed with a beak sitting in his huge chair waving a piece of paper saying "So, who's paying for the pretty little map?". "10 shilling Sir", which was added to my fine.

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I got my first licence - the provisional one IYSWIM, when they were still all green, (or was it pink, can't remember now, :blush::down::bangshead: :bangshead: :bangshead: ) then when I passed the test, was issued with the pink/green licence, renewed that a couple of times as I moved round, but never to the annoying new two piece affairs.

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I need to renew my photo license, but have lost the paper copy. Will I get a new paper copy automatclaly when I apply for an updated photo part?

Saves me paying twice?

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I need to renew my photo license, but have lost the paper copy. Will I get a new paper copy automatclaly when I apply for an updated photo part?

Well, I did...but then my mum always said I was special. :laugh:

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Got to say, not massively in favour of some of the comments on here regarding attitude to traffic offenses.....

It isn`t a competition..............

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I need to renew my photo license, but have lost the paper copy. Will I get a new paper copy automatclaly when I apply for an updated photo part?

Saves me paying twice?

Technically no, you may be lucky but i doubt it. I tried a similar trick, when I was renewing my address, was hoping that i could get the points off at the same time, but no...

I don't think there is any competition here, in the most part they are all talking about past good times, yes i have been stopped far too many times to count but have always got let off as I know the law, and can challenge correctly or I have the answers there and then.

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