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Old Driving License


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after moving house 6 times in 7 years I haven't had much choice about keeping my old licence...

I do still have my original little red book type one from 1973 though (with the corner cut off like they do with old passports) - people obviously admired my driving back then as it was endorsed a couple of times :cool::laugh:

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Ah, endorsements.

If we had a competition who had the most I would be on the podium. In a 10 year period driving over 80,000 miles a year I accumulated 13 of these awards and lost my licence 3 times. (all were 6 week periods)

Can anyone beat that?

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ASAIK, an old paper licence is not valid in Europe, so if you're across their and get stopped for a routine check/whatever, they may confiscate it and require you to apply for a 'European' British card type .. .. this is certainly what happened to my brother when in Germany a few years back :suspect:

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If you have a paper licence and wish to drive abroad you are seriously advised to obtain an International Driving Permit (IDP) to show your right to drive abroad. Currently to update your old licence to a new photocard is free but there are plans to charge £20 for this in the near future, to cover costs you understand! I have tried to find out what changes are taking place in January 2013, I think there maybe a requirement to update your old licence anyway but I am not sure on this and will be no doubt corrected by someone on here.

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Blimey, just spotted this thread and checked mine - it expires in August.

Do DVLA send out a reminder?

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Yes, but as I said, don't renew until the last minute.

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Yes, but as I said, don't renew until the last minute.


I will have to renew a couple of weeks before expiry, as I will be out of the country just before :cool:

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Ah, endorsements.

If we had a competition who had the most I would be on the podium. In a 10 year period driving over 80,000 miles a year I accumulated 13 of these awards and lost my licence 3 times. (all were 6 week periods)

Can anyone beat that?

no i cant beat it for quantity but maybe for sheer bad l uck i can have a go. i got 6 points in one day, these came about by getting 2 fixed penalty notices (3pts £60) going to pick someone up from the airport. the bad luck (or whatever you want to call it, i find it funy now) was they were from the same copper sat in the same place on the same bridge with the same camera. one going one way and the other coming back again 20 mins later. :d at the time i was not amused as they arrived on two separate days but now i just find it amusing and laugh at it, they worked as i drove much slower after that :d

i dont thinm they do but if youve had a new passport so have an electronic picture with the govt then you can just do it all online

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That used to count as one offence. Something like "same day, same journey". I got done for breaking 4 speed limits on the same day, same journey and the magistrate explained I would only get one endorsement for that reason.

Mind you that was in the 70s.

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i turned up at the driving test centre six years ago to take my bike test ,i still had my paper licence ,the test centre refused to accept my paper licence ,so i had to get a plastic licence and re book my test ,pain in the f***** A*** as i had done my theory with my paper licence and two lessons

Just about to take mine - apparently they will accept paper license - if you present a passport with it as well. I guess that is a bit late for you know though!!! :oops:

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Blimey I thought you were talking about the old licences - the red book one from the 1960's that you took to the post office every year to get stamped.

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i turned up at the driving test centre six years ago to take my bike test ,i still had my paper licence ,the test centre refused to accept my paper licence ,so i had to get a plastic licence and re book my test ,pain in the f***** A*** as i had done my theory with my paper licence and two lessons

You would have been fine if you'd turned with your old licence together with a valid passport - old licence still perfectly legal, it's just that you have to have some sort of photo ID with it.

Annoyingly though, they now a rule whereby if you turn up for a test with your nice new shiny photo-card but forget to bring the paper counterpart they wont let you take the test either! This is because the paper bit has your endorsements printed on it. It's possible for instance to book your test and in the interval between that and the test you get a short term ban or too many points or something and that's what the examiner is looking for. I thought the whole point of going to a credit card size was to reduce the amount of paper stuff we carry around - now we have to more things than before! You'd think they'd just record endorsements into the magnetic strip on the card, or the examiners could ring up DVLA to check the licence is clean - but no......without both bits, no test, loose fee of £62 (plus other expenses) period. Dumb.

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That's why I've refused to changeover till I have to. A simple credit card sized photo ID, fine, but the damn paper bit as well, arrrggghhhh!

Yeah, have had the please bring photo ID driving licence, or old stly driving licence plus passport, (or other acceptable photo ID before now.)

:laugh: had the same for a speed awareness course a while back, so took my non photo driving licence, plus my nice shiny photo ID MSA competition licence! :laugh:

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The UK card type licence makes me laugh. In France we have a medical benefit card called a "Carte Vitalle". It has a chip like the credit card one and all doctors, hospitals and chemists have readers to read them. It has all your recent medical history and prescriptions on it and is used to get your benefit payment knocked off the bill.

I asked my doctor if the readers were expensive and his cost 7€ pa. Yes, that's 7€ a year.

If you have private insurance (to pay the difference) the insurer will issue a card that can be read in the reader.

So simple. But, of course they do not employ thousands of civil servants to manage bits of paper.

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That used to count as one offence. Something like "same day, same journey". I got done for breaking 4 speed limits on the same day, same journey and the magistrate explained I would only get one endorsement for that reason.

Mind you that was in the 70s.

yeah thats what i queeried but apparaently it wouldnt be classed as the same journey as i had got to my destination and then came back so it was 2 journeys. tenuos i know but you live and learn. also i was advised not to question it as the speeds were 95 and 93. if the 95 had been 96 then i would have been off to court and it could have been as bad as 9 points and much more fines.

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