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Old Driving License


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I have been told by my son tonight that my old style diriving license is not valid. I have kept this bit of paper for seventeen years, last time I changed it was to up date my address.

I am also told that I must pay for changing to the new style one. Which I would have done as plastic one is a much better idea but I was told that actually you need a bit of paper and a plastic card so I saw no advantage infact it is worse as you need to look after two documents.

My argument is if my old license says valid until 2038 as it does then how can it be invalid in 2012? If the DLVA want to renew it for me then I shouldn't have to pay should I?

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I turned up at a trackday last month to be told my licence photo card had expired, just renewed it online, apparently they only last 10 years !

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So my old license has another advantage over the new ones as it has a shelf life of 56years! I reckon I could make it last that long as well. :d

so Jeff do you have to pay every 10 years.

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Old paper licenses are still valid -- still have mine, haven't moved house in last 25+ years so never 'forced' by DVLA rules to get plastic one!!

Plastic ones last only 10 years because of the need to update the photo -- but why give the DVLA £20 every 10 years when you don't need to!

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Keep the old one until it expires its still valid until then , the new licence is just another rip off tax in disguise

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Yes they are Only 10 yes just like your passport. I think the idea of the new ones are you have a valud photo ID in a wallet size credit card type thingy and also the paper bit with all the other stuff on.

Didn't think the Old style were invalid tho. Only reason I had to change was due to me changing the address. Maybe they figure the old ones will just phase out over time as people change address etc

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Yes they are Only 10 yes just like your passport. I think the idea of the new ones are you have a valud photo ID in a wallet size credit card type thingy and also the paper bit with all the other stuff on.

Didn't think the Old style were invalid tho. Only reason I had to change was due to me changing the address. Maybe they figure the old ones will just phase out over time as people change address etc

I have a document saying it is valid until 2038 so I am holding them to that. So if you keep your plastic card in your wallet and the paper part somewhere else I bet a lot of drivers misplace the paper part.

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Also note that if your photo license renewal comes up, do not renew it ahead of time. Unlike passports, they will not tack on whats left of the old one. So if it expires in August and you renew now, the new one runs out in June 2022 and you get cheated out of two months.

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So my old license has another advantage over the new ones as it has a shelf life of 56years! I reckon I could make it last that long as well. :d

so Jeff do you have to pay every 10 years.

had to pay yeh, dont think it was a lot, i did it online by entering my passport details they used the photo from that new card was with me in a few days

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I have a document saying it is valid until 2038 so I am holding them to that. So if you keep your plastic card in your wallet and the paper part somewhere else I bet a lot of drivers misplace the paper part.

Probably ... But as the old paper one was massive most people didn't carry it around with them so they could just as easilly lose that if they were careless.

Although I guess you always have the other half to use while you get the other back.

Personally I keep both bits together in the same place I keep all my other important docs. I never carry my driving licence anyway

Jeff I thought you could change you address for free?

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I still have the old green paper one. Never carry it with me. It justs sits in my office draw. Looks like new. Still in its plastic wallet.

I don't intend to change it. I also have a 'copy' to 'hand out' if I get inconvenienced in France.

I think that if you send it off for points or endorsement now they can force you to change to a new licence but this may also be hearsay.

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I've still got my old style licence too. Mine was falling apart, so I carefully rebuilt it, and laminated it.

The bonus is I can just wipe off any endorsements now :laugh:

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Yeah I've still got my old paper job, it's just over 21 years old now, not moved house in a while.

The license like me, is definitely looking the worse for wear :down:

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i turned up at the driving test centre six years ago to take my bike test ,i still had my paper licence ,the test centre refused to accept my paper licence ,so i had to get a plastic licence and re book my test ,pain in the f***** A*** as i had done my theory with my paper licence and two lessons

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The Gendarmes took my plastic one away when they issued (forced) me to have a French licence.

But I kept the paper part as they didn't seem to know there was a paper part.

I now show my UK paper licence when I get stopped.

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