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The Highs And Lows Of Life


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Told the surgeon my diet and he was happy with it, just a couple of things to cut out.

I have just read my discharge notes, the stone they managed to measure is 17 mm diameter!!!! By my reckoning that's pretty big!!!

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Only just seen this thread , Gary, sorry you're having to cope with all this. Hope it's all sorted soon.

Good to meet you at last on Sunday, though - car looks even better in the flesh.

Was good to see you too Mike, your car looked great too.

The downside for me is I think in the next six weeks driving the westy is off limits, I don't want to rattle that stone around

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I'm pretty sure I remember hearing that gall stones can be "disintegrated" using ultra sonic. The sound waves turn the stone back into powder and they are flushed through like sand.

Probably wrong again but it sounds a good idea.

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Just had mine removed april 11 th I know about the pain ,Had to go private could have bought another car ? Speedy recovery mate

Iwas back in the westy in 3 weeks.

Regards Paul :t-up:

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I think it is kidney stones that they can zap, not gallstones

I am glad to say that I am feeling slightly better every day, and the gallstone must have settled somewhere, so I hope it stays that way. I need to get onto BUPA on Monday and get everything booked in for the end of June, then I can get it all removed.

Typical aint it - weather is fantastic now outside, but I am too scared to take the westy out as I dont want to shake myself about too much (and cant anyway because of all the tablets I'm taking)

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