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The Highs And Lows Of Life


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Thanks for the good wishes guys. I am due a scan today which will hopefully determine what it is, which will then map out what happens next

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Sorry to hear the bad news :down: hope it all gets sorted quickly. Good to see you again, if only briefly yesterday :)

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Was good to see you too Andy

Have now had the ultrasound, definitely stones present. Next up is an MRI scan

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Sorry to hear that. MRI's are loud - I've had my head scanned!

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I've had my head scanned!

Curse being a committee member and having someone serve up such a juicy straight line. :(:bangshead::d

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I have had two MRI scans previously and fell asleep both times!!

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Careful you don't get a fly in there with you. You've seen what happened to Jeff Goldblum, don't blame us if you come out the other end of the machine as 1/2 a fly in 1974

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You slept in there? Wow, I had my neck scanned for the trapped nerves; between the bangs and the position I had to lie in at the time, it was the most painful fifteen minutes I've ever spent. You have my deep respect for snoozing! :yes: :yes: :yes::o

Best of luck, and get well soon. ;)

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I had 30 minutes of Jeremy Vine on the piped headphones. Couldn't move to tell them to turn it off.

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We're on the ferry back home after a great weekend. Sorry you're not to well gary, hope it's sorted the quickly for you.

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Jeez, I hate the self rigteous daily spoutings of Jeremy Vine. 30 minutes of Margaret from Nempett Thrubwell ringing in to give us all a piece of her mind on how the world's woes can be solved, please dear, amaze us with the splendour of you ill-informed ad-hoc reckon. You poor b******* Geoff

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Well, I am back home tonight with a full diagnosis.

I have agreed with the surgeon for him to do the operation to remove the gallbladder in 6 weeks time, using my health insurance that I get with my job. The other option was to join the emergency operation waiting list and stay in hospital, but the guy in the next bed to me has already been on the list a week waiting for exactly the same op.

So I left with a bag of Pills tonight that I know have been keeping the pain in check, and fingers crossed I can get through the next 6 weeks without reoccurrence

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Only just seen this thread , Gary, sorry you're having to cope with all this. Hope it's all sorted soon.

Good to meet you at last on Sunday, though - car looks even better in the flesh.

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