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Ipad Recommendation

Terry Everall

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SWMBO wants ipad asap

latest IPad reports say that it comes with 4G but thats no use in this country sowould it be best to buy previous model with 3G package

Can you link your iphone( with 3G ) into the ipad to access internet etc

Whats best deal?

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I wouldn't buy one with built in 3G/4G full stop, the data deals are carp!

Ordinary Wi-F version and a Mi-Fi work so much better, plus you can use the Mi-Fi for other devices to get an Internet connection. Not complicated to use either, just turn it on, pop it in a pocket and be your own personal Wi-Fi hotspot.

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What Gadgetman said, full stop. Paying all that extra money to put in a Sim card that will drain your bank account further to stream data at a stupidly slow rate is pointless unless you've confined SWMBO to a Wi-Fi-less cave somewhere. Even if you don't use Mi-Fi, so many places with free Wi-Fi that it makes the Sim card redundant. Spend your money on getting maximum memory instead. Mine has 64Gb and is already more than half full, mainly through apps but also 2,000 songs and 3,300 photos.

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Oh b*******!

I need to admit to not knowing what MiFi is?

Help please

Would you buy ipad3 or old version2

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If it were me, iPad3 with Wi-Fi only and maximum memory, unless I could write off the 3G / 4G connection costs against business. But everyone's requirements are different.

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iPads are a great piece of kit. I'd recommend getting a wi-fi only one and get the best one you can afford. I personally would go for a new iPad (better screen etc), as for memory, what will it be used for ? surfing the web and email - 16gb. If you intend storing 1000's of photo's and musis, then get either the 32 or 64gb version.

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Thanks guys

Apple store looks as cheap as anyone!

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i still have my ipad 1, use it everyday for browsing and not much else, and its the 16gb one with wifi only. no point getting 3g as its expensive, i share my phones unlinimited internet access and use it for the ipad through wifi. ideal!

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These are i-Pads are going very cheap...part of a cancelled NHS contract :)


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Terry, also bear in mind that an iPad has to sync with your computer through iTunes, which you will need to download and install if you haven't done so already. It will also install Safari and Quick Time on your computer, which you will also need. Pre-installing these now will make your life much easier when you bring your iPad home, because they come straight out of the box utterly blank and get all their info from iTunes.

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Got the itunes stuff for our iphone4 already thanks

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Cool, just wanted to warn you first, it takes an hour or two to sync it first time as well as it will auto-grab all your songs and photos - I find IME as long as SWMBO knows what's happening, they're OK and patient.

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MiFi is a little device about 2" long by 1" wide and 1/2" deep that you put your own data card in and this acts as the bridge between your device an the internet. Works very well, can get them from a Three shop with various packages to suit your data needs. Then purchase from Amazon a car charger and you can mobile WiFi where ever you wish (as long as there is service which is a different story) Only an on-off button and it does the rest on its own, the iPad will use it if it cannot find another network and it will do HPSA+ which is quicker than my home connection!

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