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Jesus Some People Should Not Be Allowed To Drive.

Matt Seabrook

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Did he claim them and get charged?

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Did he claim them and get charged?

Didn't ever hear anything about if after the event so how it ended for him I have no idea.


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If you think a motorbike is bad, try a push bike :)

I cycle to work and I don't just have to worry about drivers, but also idiot pedestrians who are jabbering away and just step out into the road as i'm filtering through traffic.

Having said that, I was knocked off my bike on Monday whilst in a cycle lane. Car driver reacted to his wife telling him to turn, so he turned left directly into me.

As I landed, I tw4tted my knees, one of which had just been operated on. I always wear a helmet and my Hein Gerick jacket and managed to avoid the wall on the junction.

Fair play to the driver, he stopped and was very apologetic.

But a traffic jams will always bring out the maximum toolness from a car driver. Combine it with morning tardiness and you can understand why I have at least 3 occasions a week where a car completely fails to see me and once every couple of months where a car actually makes contact with me.

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Thats what you get for cycling up the inside ;)

Seriously though, and I know the subject has been covered endlessly, some bikers do themselves no favours. I was overtaken and cut up by one on a narrow ONE WAY street a few years ago. I sounded my horn as he nearly hit me but once in front he gave me the finger a decided to brake test me! Needless to say his bike stopped faster than my Passat! In the aftermath I just asked if he thought it was a good idea - no reply.

There you go I've stirred it up again.


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People can be absolute idiots on two wheels or four. There is well-known video of a bicyclist with a video camera on his helmet nearly getting taken out by a petrol tanker on a roundabout, for which the tanker driver was rightly prosecuted. What's rarely shown is the previous 60 seconds of that video, where the cyclist is riding completely outside the dedicated cycle lane designed to aid and protect him, holding up traffic behind him.

Point is, we're all imperfect, and if you decide to be a git on the roads, doing it in a car is stupid, but doing it on two wheels is suicidal.

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Passing the matter of who's at fault aside for a moment - ultimately it's an unfair fight! Bikers are vulnerable and cars have a protective cage around them so the car driver is way down the path of the dark side IMHO.

This is the 'red mist' that under the right circumstances we are all a bit prone to sometimes. We must let the insults wash over our heads - stay calm whoever is at fault - use the force...(unless you're racing on a track that is, then disregard most of that!).

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2 pennies... does look like the big 4x4 has already tried blocking the bikers path...

Also agree on the sentiment of some people are just pure a********s on the road, watched numerous car drivers pull out on bikes filtering safely and slowly through bumper to bumper traffic thats only moving once every couple of minutes, completely unnecessary, almost as if they are jelous they are stuck and the bike makes progress. Have had people do it to me before, although I do feel that riding a bike has made me a much more safer car driver, because everything is a danger on a bike. if the 4x4 did indeed try to nudge the bike as he went past, then to be perfectly honest, if you feel it is fair to aim a 2 tonne car at a man on his little bike, then so be it you deserve your headlight kicked in, act like a c***, get treated like a c***! on the other boot, if 4x4 driver didnt do anything wrong, serves the machoman's own fault for harrassing a woman? who's on her own, thinking hes the bigman, probably didnt feel to big after! what is for sure, is one of them caused it, but the footage is inclusive, but id say it looks more like 4x4 trying to nidge biker.

on a positive note, i always enjoy the polite wave from a biker when you move to the outside of the lane to allow more room for biker to pass through. I always mention that bikers who say thanks for allowing them by are proper bikers :)

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Thats what you get for cycling up the inside ;)


Indeed. I was cycling up the inside in a designated Cycle Lane.

So much for being protected :)

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on a positive note, i always enjoy the polite wave from a biker when you move to the outside of the lane to allow more room for biker to pass through. I always mention that bikers who say thanks for allowing them by are proper bikers


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If that was me on the bike I would have kicked the ever-loving sh*t out of the car (smashed it into small dented pieces with my helmet most probably), and anyone who'd tried to kill, maim, and disable me with a two ton piece of metal....Just because yer a bird doen't mean you have justification for attempted murder,,PMT or f eckin' not!

Anyone who thinks the car driver has any justification is a deluded narrow minded c*ck...Bikes filter, deal with it...

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Poor Woman obviously feared for her life being attacked by the big nasty biker. Then he jumped onto her vehicle and finally tried to gain access, scary stuff. :laugh:

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My two pennies on cyclists (and yes I do ride one sometimes) Why Oh why do some cyclists insist on not using the bl**** cycle lanes that have been put down for them at great expense?

I work on a trading estate on the outskirst of a medium sized town and there is a purpose built cycle path that runs parallel with the main road from the town over the motorway, past the trading estates and extends for several more miles until you exit the urban scrawl completely, and reduces the main road to a narrow carriage way in both directions .

Most days I encounter a hardcore few who totally disregard the cycle lane purely because they have to give way at lights and junctions along the route therefore not slowing their progress in anyway and causing numerous traffic violations in the process. by adopting this behavior they cause inconvenince to all other road users and reduce the flow of traffic by forcing drivers to overtake them when traffic flow allows. Rant over !!

I wish someone would put a Westy lane in we would be sure to use it LOL.

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My two pennies on cyclists (and yes I do ride one sometimes) Why Oh why do some cyclists insist on not using the bl**** cycle lanes that have been put down for them at great expense?

I work on a trading estate on the outskirst of a medium sized town and there is a purpose built cycle path that runs parallel with the main road from the town over the motorway, past the trading estates and extends for several more miles until you exit the urban scrawl completely, and reduces the main road to a narrow carriage way in both directions .

Most days I encounter a hardcore few who totally disregard the cycle lane purely because they have to give way at lights and junctions along the route therefore not slowing their progress in anyway and causing numerous traffic violations in the process. by adopting this behavior they cause inconvenince to all other road users and reduce the flow of traffic by forcing drivers to overtake them when traffic flow allows. Rant over !!

I wish someone would put a Westy lane in we would be sure to use it LOL.

Hey chap, try driving busses in Cambridge..............


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If you think a motorbike is bad, try a push bike :)

I cycle to work and I don't just have to worry about drivers, but also idiot pedestrians who are jabbering away and just step out into the road as i'm filtering through traffic.

Having said that, I was knocked off my bike on Monday whilst in a cycle lane. Car driver reacted to his wife telling him to turn, so he turned left directly into me.

As I landed, I tw4tted my knees, one of which had just been operated on. I always wear a helmet and my Hein Gerick jacket and managed to avoid the wall on the junction.

Fair play to the driver, he stopped and was very apologetic.

But a traffic jams will always bring out the maximum toolness from a car driver. Combine it with morning tardiness and you can understand why I have at least 3 occasions a week where a car completely fails to see me and once every couple of months where a car actually makes contact with me.

how many times have you been knocked off now then ,seem to remember it was about 4 or 5 times a few months ago ,il dig out the thread ,you must be the unluckiest guy ever

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