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Fuel Nobbers


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Just for the record there is a shortage of tyres world wide. Again just for the record we have plenty here so form an orderly line please we will get to you asap. :laugh:

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Well I don't have enough diesel to drive home tonight and get back to work tomorrow morning, let the panic buying commence :d

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Got into a lift share at work and only filling the car up once a month now.

After moving house, we went from paying more a month in fuel than we were in mortgage to filling my car once a month and hers less than that.

Filled tha car up in the weekend and that should last me until the end of April now

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The government are in a much more precarious position now than in the last strike, since Labour came to power in 1997, they and the current lot have raised net revenue from road users from £11bn to £40bn annually. That's right, road users have seen tax rises of around 350% in 15 years!!!

I don't think they can survive losing £0.8bn a week in tax revenue for very long!

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If the worst comes to the worst, maybe I can hitch up my big hoss to a trailer and start my own horse drawn taxi firm,... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Wouldn't say it's all down to tax rises, part of the the increase in revenue would be down to the Brits owning more cars, driving more miles and ultimately burning more fuel.

Would be nice to see something done so that the revenue from fuel and tax goes towards the roads instead of propping other departments up but with the current yoghurt weaver hippy policies of taxing cars off the road, it's nothing more than a nice dream.

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Well couldn't see a lot of evidence of panic buying at my usual fuel station this morning, although standard diesel for cars was empty they still had V-power diesel, and both octane rating petrol. Also, only half the pumps were in use. So had no problem filling up. :t-up: :t-up: :t-up:

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No signs locally here, I do need some juice for the Essex blatt mind...

I undertand there may be a shortage popcorn at around page 5 of this thread :cry:

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there are some interesting websited out there that have catalogued petrol prices over time etc worth a read around.


what makes me laugh tho in our media is yet again this panic is media induced, this in turn has had a small rush in people buying food. also the way they use the term motorist .... as in "yet again motorists are facing record ....." its like there is this specific group of poeple that it effects. surely everyone is a motorist as we are all so car dependant. also do they not realise that petrol priices will effect everything we buy/use???

more underlying is that its being blamed on the price of oil (held artificial due to its trading only in US$) which again will effect everything.

this is only going to become more of a problem as fuel goes higher and higher. at what point will normal people be forced off the road. there are only so many things that can be cut before the only use of the car becomes only for work and shopping.

this explains how our fuel price is calculated nicely just in case anyone is interested


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I understand there may be a shortage popcorn at around page 5 of this thread :cry:

I think you'll find that shortage will now occur on the next page, thanks to your speculation plus the desire of Gadgetman and I to increase our profits by strongly inflating popcorn prices as as result. :t-up: Queue here...

/my 5,000th post :cool:

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Glad I filled up last night, was on empty and drove back from customers with the light on (nothing changes there).

I would say 50% of those filling up last night were panicers. Madness. Inlaws were saying 'make sure you keep filled up etc' - fuel to the fire etc.

Remember last time there was trouble how empty the roads were - was great. Maybe I will beat the 76.5 mpg I got last week on a 70 mile journey! Could get 800 miles per tankful then.

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Would be nice to see something done so that the revenue from fuel and tax goes towards the roads instead of propping other departments up but with the current yoghurt weaver hippy policies of taxing cars off the road, it's nothing more than a nice dream.

Ok so you only spend the motorists tax money on the road network for improvements or new roads. How much extra income tax, VAT or council tax are you willing to pay to support other government funded services because only motorist taxes can be spent on motorist related issues?

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Ok so you only spend the motorists tax money on the road network for improvements or new roads. How much extra income tax, VAT or council tax are you willing to pay to support other government funded services because only motorist taxes can be spent on motorist related issues?

Like I said, it's nothing more than a nice dream.

In that dream it would be nice if government departments are self-funding and accountable to the public. NI pays for the NHS, income tax pays for the benefits system. Would be nice to stop them plucking an arbitrary figure out of thin air because cars aren't green (despite being bl**** useful) and we have no say in the matter.Pay or take your car off the road.

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I'll bite. The tax take in this country has become so dependant upon indirect taxation rather than the tax take from pay. Why? Simply because there are less working and the welfare state hands out so much.

When the road fund licence was first introduced it was just that a fund to spend on roads. As it grew it was quite right to spend some of it on other projects but as our dependancy on the car has grown so has to goverments opportunity to milk us grow even more so. Now under the green banner they have seen the tax take drop from road fund and also from the fuel itself.

With the unbridled rise in benifit payments, people living longer unless which ever goverment gets in, is prepared to be unpopular with those, to whom Shameless is an aspirational documentary, then there will be more price hikes along with road pricing.

If they really wanted to do something they should introduce a bounty on dole recepiants working, say £500 and then see how many are outed by their mates. Until then we must just carry on

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