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Fuel Nobbers


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I don't think that is true about it being Scargills decision as there were many others on the council that were with him. It was the Nottingham area who were assured theri jobs were safe that chose to work.

Scargill truely belived that Thatcher was so hated that they would win but he under estimated her will not to capitulate like Ted Heath had done before. So the scene was set for a struggle that only one side could ever win. There was no support from other unions like he expected and when kids were starving and homes being lost it was the end of the strike.

What ever you think about Scargill he was right in the way pit after pit closed. My FIL pit was Redbrook in Barnsley, it had £6 million invested on a new shaft just before the strike because coal stocks were so good, but that closed as it was uneconomical once they dropped all the debt on it.

The big differance in that dispute and the tanker drivers strike was simple, no one cared below Nottingham as it had little direct effect, the drivers strike affects every one of us now. The similarites are that a Union boss is so out of touch that he thinks this will be allowed to happen. It will be difficult for a while but unlike mining there will be lot's of drivers wanting jobs who will break the strike for what they get at present. Maybe that is the plan all along.

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I managed to fill up my wife's Focus at the local Sainsbury's last night at 11pm. Lucky really as it was nearly empty and we are driving 250 miles tonight! While there were twice as many cars in the queue it took only marginally longer to get to a pump. This leads me to think most people there wouldnt have been filling it up had it not been for this 'crisis' of their own making. Annoyingly I had to go back out again in my old BMW and put 20L in that as it's going on one final drive top a scrap yard in Bristol tonight. Feld like a right idiots going back to the same petrol station twice in half an hour and taking on so little fuel :(

About half an hour ago i drove past the local Shell station, which isn't open at this time, and there were 5 or 6 cars parked up waiting for it to open! Madness!

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Jeff, I didn't mean that it was Scargill's decision solely. I heard that he had some resistance from others on the Exec council because of the fact that coal stocks were high and Thatcher wanted to draw them into a strike. Scargill's actions just stopped the discussion.

Scargill's main reasoning for a strike was probably more political than in the interests of the miners. He wanted to bring down the Government and lead the country into anarchy.

I worked at the South Yorkshire Mounted section (on the show - I wasn't a bobby) in Cudworth. There were families there who hadn't spoken to others in the family for years as they were considered black-legs. But not from the 80's strike, they referred to the 1920's strike!

One of the reasons for starting the show was to rebuild bridges between the miners and public in general and the police following the strike.

Now, back to petrol. We have no problem here :)

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Tescos was bunged with queues, wife couldn't get in to do the food shopping so she turned round and did the shopping at Lidl instead. Hooray for odd looking labels on this week's food, might be cat food, might be beans, who knows? Saved us a few bob as well

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might be cat food, might be beans, who knows? Saved us a few bob as well

:laugh: Haha, quality.

I needed to buy fuel this morning but actually couldn't, all 3 of our local places are sold out. Fuel light game here we come... Here's my idea: Government need to make garages impose a minimum spend of £30 or something. Oh, you only wanted to panic top up 10 litres? Tough luck, that'll still be £30 please. That'll keep the tards away!

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:laugh: Haha, quality.

I needed to buy fuel this morning but actually couldn't, all 3 of our local places are sold out. Fuel light game here we come... Here's my idea: Government need to make garages impose a minimum spend of £30 or something. Oh, you only wanted to panic top up 10 litres? Tough luck, that'll still be £30 please. That'll keep the tards away!

thats all well and good but what about the people who ligititmatly only want to put £20 in. i wouldnt be able to get 30 in my westy. how do they impose such a ban? thats almost as daft as saying fill a jerry can. i understand the idea but this panic will happen more often as prices increase and fuel becomes harder to buy.

on the subject of the minors strike, i was only 4 so i may be wrong, but wasnt one of the contributing factors that helped thatcher the fact that it started at the beginning of a warm summer so demand for coal was greatly reduced and IRC wasnt the threat of power shortages similar to that in the 1970s where there was rolling blackouts never realised as there was some big gas powerstation that was pretty much dormant that took up the slack stright away down south somewhere?

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Well, my comment was fairly flippant (I'm not clever or clued up enough for the serious debate in this topic - I'm a 'head in the sand' type when anything related to the government crops up, so small is my confidence in them and feeling that I have the ability to make a difference), but I think the idea is there or thereabouts. It's the people brimming up constantly that's causing the queues, and there is no need to have your tank at 75%+ all the time. I probably couldn't get £30 in my Westy either actually, so I'll reduce my imaginary limit to £20 :d

Edit: Ah - I am only talking for the next week or so, to calm things down, not permanently!

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You know what is really worrying is that in all this b*llsh*t about fuel shortages ( self induced ) no one has mentioned those immortal words about saving fuel, unnecessary journeys, car sharing etc etc. The panic has just been created to make the point and that seems to have happened quite successfully. I suspect though it would be an admission by the government that the fuel drivers do have us by the short and curlies in reality when you consider the chaos when absolutely nothing has happened apart from a few well chosen words in the media.

Yep remember the bog roll crisis, the coffee crisis, the sugar crisis all the rest of the recent none essential issues.

We rely far too much on hydrocarbons and its time we seriously moved to better alternatives and stop fannying about with none flyers. If you checked the profits made by Shell, BP, Exxon etc its easy to see where the money goes, in most cases greater profits than most countries make. The UK have moved from oil fired power stations to gas powered, both hydrocarbons. The greens or tree huggers don't feel happy with nuclear, may as well go back and live in the cave as we seem to be heading for a complete melt down unless some government has the b*ll*cks to make a tough decision. Unfortunately they wouldn't be in power long enough to see it through would they. Can't win just go and sit in the fuel queue.

Bob :cry: :cry:

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No signs locally here, I do need some juice for the Essex blatt mind...

I undertand there may be a shortage popcorn at around page 5 of this thread :cry:


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Filled up the westi this morning £28 at my local garage.

No diesel though, The Mondeo will have to wait :) tragic!!

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This is just the start, wait till next week, non supermarket filling stations may run out in a day, credit card payments take 3 to 4 to clear so even if they could get a tanker the following day they will not have funds in the bank to pay for it. Our local Tesco (I do not trust where supermarket get supplies from) put DERV up to 149.90 over a week ago. Whats their strap line?? "Every little helps"

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From the BBC

Unite rules out strike action by tanker drivers over Easter to focus on talks, union says

and relax .............. :westy:

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If they sign up for a discount pastie deal for truckers with Greggs with that sort the problem for the hard done to tanker drivers :)

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