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Fuel Nobbers


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chuffin local petrol station is dry, f***** pr**ks panic buying ,why why why !!! it would all be ok if the cocks just went about things like normal there would be no shortage ,me mam queued for 30 minutes to get fuel today and i have to go for fuel later for the van ,and im going to feel like a **** because i need a few gallon for the new exige that has a new tank and is bone dry

so i am having to take a 5 gallon drum in the back of me van to fill up with super ,i am going to look like a right nobber filling that up when i have genuine reason

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Chaos - I had to go to Bristol today. left home in Cheshire at normal time, needed fuel, queue at local garage was 5 cars on the road and 5 waiting for pumps. Half of them did not know which side the filler caps were on! One woman was filling multiple plastic containers plus one jerry can which looked like it was from WW II. Several were filling X5s, Q7s whilst on the (2 mile) school run! :( so gossiping instead of going to pay.

Got fed up waiting and decided to fill up in Holmes Chapel before joining M6 - same situation with queue on road but needed fuel so waited. Saw one bloke put less than 10 quids worth in before the tank overflowed. I needed fuel to do my job!!

Office in Bristol is near a Sainsburys filling station - we could see the queue at lunchtime - feeding frenzy.


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when is the strike? i thought it wasnt till the easter weekend? surely buying now is daft as youll just need more in a week?

i agree with you steve people should just carry on like normal.... still it might lead to some funny stories of like when people were storing petrol in baths etc.

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As I understand it they have to give 7 days notice of a strike which they have not yet given, so no reason to panic yet anyway.

While I understand the reasons for not panic buying, the reality is we're so dependant on fuel for everything we do that nobody wants to be caught short.

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No problems in north Yorkshire tonight, topped up in leyburn en route to ribblehead viaduct.

Roads were like a ghost town, bl**** marvellous, quieter than when England play !


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No date given for strike, and may well not occur. If it does, then plan seems to be for fuel to be distributed by the army.

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Gonna be a bread shortage soon, STOCK UP FOLKS.

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The problem is simple, every sane person will not panic buy, but those in the ques are not sane. Also the press love a good disaster story and this is made for them. Finally when a goverment spokesman says don't panic it has the opposite effect.

I need some for my lawnmower but will fill a 5 gallon can as I normally do and top up the Westfield as I need it. Wait until they mention food shortages and then watch the shelves empty as well. Last time there were people buying anything that they might remotly need in the next ten years.

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Redditch pumps empty tonight...

Tesco - empty

Sainsbury - empty

Pace -empty

Morrisons - empty

BP @ £1.52 per litre fro derv.... has stocks and I wonder why.... i had to bite the bullet and fill up there as had 100 miles left in the tank {1/8th full}

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so i am having to take a 5 gallon drum in the back of me van to fill up with super ,i am going to look like a right nobber filling that up when i have genuine reason

I had to do this today except with a 1 gallon can just to get the s2000 moving.

Still, I ride my bike to work so no need to be in with the stupids :)

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well went to fill up this morning at 4.40 queues at the station what the devil ! , no diesel for the van but managed to get some super for the exige

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Queues at 4.40 what the devil, it's not like we even know when/if it'll happen.

Oil companies must be rubbing their hands with glee at the moment.

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I was filling up two jerry cans for the westy as am doing a shake down day

Guy walking by said stocking up are we

So i pointed out it would be gone in a day as thr v8 likes a drink so NO!

Are local station was manic got busy late afternoon when two other fuel stations ran dry locally

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