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Meeting to confirm dates

Wee Dov

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Hi all ,

can we have a meeting soon to agree the Scottish area dates for 2012.

Suggestions for meeting venue.

Cheers Wee Dov :yes:

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I was planning on going to the Monte Carlo Classic Rally on 29th Jan in Clydebank in the Westy (weather dependant) so it would be an opportunity if other want to join in. If not I will go in the other car

Sorry Ciprian, I know its along way away from you.


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It'll be even further for me! :cry: (loving the new smilies :love: )

Been working hard on my car, hoping to get it tested in the spring and to meet some of you this year at some point. But count me out for the regular meetings. :down:

All the best though,

Doug............... :westy:

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I was planning on going to the Monte Carlo Classic Rally on 29th Jan in Clydebank in the Westy (weather dependant) so it would be an opportunity if other want to join in. If not I will go in the other car

Sorry Ciprian, I know its along way away from you.


I am hoping to get over to this too, hadn't even thought about taking the westie :)

Wee Dov, how about meeting in the west, get a few extra stamps in the passport :p


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I'm happy to meet up - either Livingston Beefeater again or elsewhere.

Wee Dov - might be worthwhile posting the provisional list we discussed last time? I tought we'd suggested enough to get a discussion going. It would also give the folks like Chip and Doug D an opportunity to comment.

Just a thought :)

Cheers, Matt

ps - Will bring the Westie where ever we meet, assuming the weather isn't too crap.

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Beefeater @ Livingston for me and I promise to turn up this time..! :p

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I have e-mailed as many poeple as poss to get some more poeple involved .

I have the provisional list ,but I feel like we should try to get a few more poeple to attend the meet for a few more suggestions ? :devil:

Wee Dov

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Meant to say, I am happy to meet somewhere else and the Beefeater in Livingston is fine for me.

I am however planning on attending the Monte Carlo Rally set off on the 29th in the Westy if the weather is dry. Might be a chance for a few cars to get a run out. Notice Kev is interested.


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It'll be even further for me! :cry: (loving the new smilies :love: )

Been working hard on my car, hoping to get it tested in the spring and to meet some of you this year at some point. But count me out for the regular meetings. :down:

All the best though,

Doug............... :westy:

Doug it would be good to meet you soon even if it was just for a chat and to meet the other lads ,this get together I am proposing might be just the ticket .


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Let me know where and will try and make it this time... but how about somewhere a bit more central... Stirlingish ?


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Let me know where and will try and make it this time... but how about somewhere a bit more central... Stirlingish ?


Suits me ok ,what do you lads think ?
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Thanks Dave but I'm 200 miles door to door to Edinburgh, so it would be something like a 400 mile round trip. :down:

I will come and see you sometime though :yes:


Stirling would not be much closer unfortunately

Edited by Doug Dastardly
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Probably wont be able to get to the meet - but would be keen to see any provisional plans and hopefully get a bit more involved this year.

Fraser - I will be marshalling the Monte Carlo drivers when they pass through Dumfries on the 29th - was good to chat to the foreign crews last year..



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Fraser, ill be over at clydebank as its only ten min from me just need to put the westie back together.

I'm easy to meet anywhere really :)

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