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I have just skimp read all the posts - don't think anyone has mentioned the SDV kit (Single Doner Vehicle) - which I 'Think' the yellow one is.

Plenty is the search archives but to sum it up the SDV vehicle usually takes a lot more components striaght from a Doner vehicle (Sierra or MX5) things like front & rear uprights, brakes, steering rack & column, drive shafts, engine, gearbox, sometimes stalk controls (indicators etc) - these things on a true SEI/W kit are supplied from Westfield or other after market sources but as a result are normally new at the build stage.

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong in a SDV kit but you need to ensure you know what your looking at and what the realistic build value is (and therefore 2nd  hand value) as they are usually some £2k cheaper to build than an equivalant SEIW, then again some SEIW are built with drive trains straight from a doner vehicle and some SDV's have all the components re-furbished so you need to ask all the questions(confusingly the SDV could actually be called a SEI as it has the indepandant supsension at the rear)

I suspect the yellow one is based on a Sierra SDV kit but with the Zetec engine ?

Yeh I have kinda gone off that yellow one now, I am sure the upgrade bug will kick in, but so much needs doing to that yellow car to get it to a standard I would be happy with, I would spend thousands and I simply don't have that kind of disposable cash as a 21yo!

So, would rather spend my money on a older, already high spec car that someone else has taken the hit on and then I can fettle and get some experience in the field that way...

I am sure SDVs are great, but I think that is something for me when I have more time and cash to burn...



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What do you think of this one?

I posted it earlier, but think you may have missed it...


I think it incorporates everything I would like out of it, and it has throttle bodies, looks good and seems like a good starter.

Good spec' for the Money

It's a Narrow so you would need to try it for size and make sure you can get comfortable

*if* the seats are fixed solid to the floor there should be room to move them and re-fit them if you need to alter their position in relation to the pedals

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hmmm very varying opinions on roll bars. Mine just has the standard one and I never even considered changing it to be honest. Didn't think anything different would make a difference. Also what are easy cheap ways people would lighten their cars. I am considering removing the windscreen for an aeroscreen, also removing the heater (It makes a lot of noise, but produces no heat). Don't think it's working but I can't really see the point anyway.  It weighs 640kg at the moment. How does this compare to others and how much could I shed.

Well windscreen, Wipers, heater/demister and side screens are a good start. Sell all of this

Spare wheel and carrier, get rid of that 10Kgs. Sell this.

Lighter plastic seats, padded or unpadded, sell yours.

It now starts to get to more extreams but:

Remove carpets and either bare ally trim or paint/powder coat it

Remove the interior trim side pannels

Carbon fiber dash and digi dash?

Remove boot box and just have a flat ally deck

Replace shocks for ally ones

replace std radiator for polo ally version

13" wheels over 15" wheels, especially is light weigh ones

Gell battery over std lead/acid one

Ally uprights to replace cortina ones. Keep these or sell them on.

Ally 4 pot callipers over M16 std ones

Depending on gearbox, git ally bellhousing and ally casing and top panel.

All good ideas, some are cheep and even give you cash, others are relatively expensive.

I would not suggest you start drilling holes in it just yet though

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Also, the Westfield I posted only weighs 560Kg and has around 200bhp, so it is fairly light already.  I think much lighter and it will fly away!

Which car are you talking about here? If you are talking about Marks car I wouldent disgaree with that weight but IF you are talking about the Yellow one you posted earlier I would seriously question that weight! Cos frankly theres no way that car is that light! more like 610KG as a minimum. realisticly 625 - 630KG

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Also, the Westfield I posted only weighs 560Kg and has around 200bhp, so it is fairly light already.  I think much lighter and it will fly away!

Which car are you talking about here? If you are talking about Marks car I wouldent disgaree with that weight but IF you are talking about the Yellow one you posted earlier I would seriously question that weight! Cos frankly theres no way that car is that light! more like 610KG as a minimum. realisticly 625 - 630KG

Nah Mark's car,

I have gone thoroughly gone off the yellow one (the new one) because the guy won't return my calls or emails...so he obviously doesn't want to sell it.

Also, what is the general consensus on running throttle bodies without air filters?  Ok to do, or asking for trouble if they are concealed within the bonnet?

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Don't ever run without airfilter! Any reason that your after so much power-you will never need that power on a road. Extra money spent on good quality build over power anyday (I'm not saying the ones posted aren't well built). Suspension and brakes far more important-have you had an insurance quote yet?
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Insurance is about £750 with Adrian Flux.  I need to contact Sureterm to see what they can do as well.

Yeh Mark's one (http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/736668.htm) has the good brakes up front and suspension, and it looks well built.  Just worried about the distinct lack of filters for the past 4 years.  However, I have checked PiperX and you could fit PiperX filters on, so all is not lost.



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Also, the Westfield I posted only weighs 560Kg and has around 200bhp, so it is fairly light already.  I think much lighter and it will fly away!

Which car are you talking about here? If you are talking about Marks car I wouldent disgaree with that weight but IF you are talking about the Yellow one you posted earlier I would seriously question that weight! Cos frankly theres no way that car is that light! more like 610KG as a minimum. realisticly 625 - 630KG

Nah Mark's car,

I have gone thoroughly gone off the yellow one (the new one) because the guy won't return my calls or emails...so he obviously doesn't want to sell it.

Also, what is the general consensus on running throttle bodies without air filters?  Ok to do, or asking for trouble if they are concealed within the bonnet?

:cool: Marks car si a nice spec at a good price and it does have a quaife ATB LSD! I guess it just come down to weather you want something this raw or a bit more of a cruiser.

I would steer clear of the yellow one though theres a few things I wouldent be happy with on that one.

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Also, the Westfield I posted only weighs 560Kg and has around 200bhp, so it is fairly light already.  I think much lighter and it will fly away!

Which car are you talking about here? If you are talking about Marks car I wouldent disgaree with that weight but IF you are talking about the Yellow one you posted earlier I would seriously question that weight! Cos frankly theres no way that car is that light! more like 610KG as a minimum. realisticly 625 - 630KG

Nah Mark's car,

I have gone thoroughly gone off the yellow one (the new one) because the guy won't return my calls or emails...so he obviously doesn't want to sell it.

Also, what is the general consensus on running throttle bodies without air filters?  Ok to do, or asking for trouble if they are concealed within the bonnet?

:cool: Marks car si a nice spec at a good price and it does have a quaife ATB LSD! I guess it just come down to weather you want something this raw or a bit more of a cruiser.

I would steer clear of the yellow one though theres a few things I wouldent be happy with on that one.

I want the raw power, I can get a cruiser when I am older and have body problems, now I am young and free and just want the adrenaline!

What is so good about the Quaife LSD?

I am concerned it has not run on air filters for 4 years...

Would you be?

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When I first had mine 190bhp/640kg. It scared the s**t out of me. I thought there is no way I want anything quicker than that.  Lately I have thought about trying to make it quicker. Have you driven, taken a ride in one yet?
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Going out in one on Friday hopefully with Brindle...

Not driven one tho yet, well bar the one we made at school, but that was only the CVH engine and not very quick anyway!  We built that car from scratch, chassis everything, took ages!

I'm not doing that again, haha!

I really need to get out in one I think and see what they feel like.


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If you like Raw buy Marks its a good spec and the car is very well known, almost infamous!

The nice thing about a ATB is its fit and forget, with plate diffs they need setting up from time to time which involves removing the diff and its a pain in the A***, viscous diffs (sierra 4x4 etc) tend to be a bit snatchy everything or nothing type of thing where as a ATB relays on hellical gears and witchcraft to lock the diff it gives you a very predictable and therefore safe diff to play with.

That said if you want to show boat around your local Asda round about with a ATB its easy  :devil:  :cool:

I also think that not having a windscreen adds to the "Raw" experiance and it makes the car feel quicker :D

I think you would have to spend a good wad more to better marks car but as alway's it comes down to the taste of the indevidual.

But PLEASE if you do test drive a car go easy, especially in the wet they do get frisky! and when they bite they BITE!

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If you like Raw buy Marks its a good spec and the car is very well known, almost infamous!

The nice thing about a ATB is its fit and forget, with plate diffs they need setting up from time to time which involves removing the diff and its a pain in the A***, viscous diffs (sierra 4x4 etc) tend to be a bit snatchy everything or nothing type of thing where as a ATB relays on hellical gears and witchcraft to lock the diff it gives you a very predictable and therefore safe diff to play with.

That said if you want to show boat around your local Asda round about with a ATB its easy  :devil:  :cool:

I also think that not having a windscreen adds to the "Raw" experiance and it makes the car feel quicker :D

I think you would have to spend a good wad more to better marks car but as alway's it comes down to the taste of the indevidual.

But PLEASE if you do test drive a car go easy, especially in the wet they do get frisky! and when they bite they BITE!

I can't test drive the car as I am not insured to do so on my current policy.  So not much chance of that happening, but thanks for the advice!

Even when I get one, I won't be taking it out in the wet!  My Dad has a Jaguar E-Type 4.2 and that is a heavy car but is still VERY frisky in the wet, a car half the weight with only slightly less power is going to be just crazy.

Ooo I like infamous!  I just got back from a ride on my mates bike, which is a sports bike and has no windscreen and even as pinion, it was amazing with the wind in your hair...well helmet!  So yeh, definately up for the no windscreen approach!

Might have to get myself a helmet though to stop my head getting too cold atm!   :suspect:

That diff sounds awesome!  This car is coming more and more tempting every day!  

Thanks for the help!


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I love the look of the cars with aero screens but prefer to hide behind a sheet of toughened glass, you never know what is gonna come flying towards you, especially considering you are so low compared to a motorbike, I see a lot of people on youtube with aero screens and no helmets, would frighten the life out of me ...

Just make sure you get a motor with a proper roll bar - that is my biggest regret after buying my westy (just the single loop on mine atm), although It will be sorted by the end of this year hopefully and shouldn't stop you buying a car as an RAC roll bar isn't too bigger an investment

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