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Oulton Park Track day

Buzz Billsberry

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Glad to see the weather held up for the track day. I managed to get a few issuessorted and clear up about the carry on trying to get the event booked/sorted and after a bit of a sob story on the charitable ins and outs of the track day business life of Easy Track,we've been promised a better system on booking for us as a club more info on that when I get the details

Good to see Mr Davis today and Kylith is fine and still has an 11mm penis!

Her's a few pickys of todays events if you want copies let me know and I'll email them thro' to you

Oulton Park 29-04-08


nice one

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:D A big thank you to Andrew & Peter who made me very welcome today and several laps with Andrew as his passenger just made my day, first time on a track!  :t-up:  :t-up: one day may just be out there, thanks again to you all.
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:D A big thank you to Andrew & Peter who made me very welcome today and several laps with Andrew as his passenger just made my day, first time on a track!  :t-up:  :t-up: one day may just be out there, thanks again to you all.

No worries, was nice meeting you, glad you've now got the bug, there's no going back. :D

Twas an alright day, got lucky with the weather. Was really weird trying to drive the pinto again. The straightline speed isn't a million miles away, but its so much softer than mine and handles so much differently. Was fun sliding it about though and makes me want to get the Meg down to Oulton even more!

Shame about Mr C's engine at the end of the day, but thankful there was no major damage after what happened.

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Good pictures! thanks for organising.

My first time at oulton park, i thought it was great :)

Car went well all day but im now knackered, been on the road since half three this morning :bangshead:

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chuffin blew hose on way home 3 dead cars in two weeks
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Was a good day; very lucky with the weather - when I left at 4.30pm it had just p****d down down the road but missed Oulton. Good to put faces to names and some impressive cars - the Pinto sounds superb and goes well too!


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the Pinto sounds superb and goes well too!

  I have to agree, but I'm biased!  :D

Superb day, was fairly pleased with the way the car went, but it definately wasn't happy in the down hill left hander. Stiffer springing may be on the way!  :oops:

A big thank you to Andrew & Peter who made me very welcome today and several laps with Andrew as his passenger just made my day, first time on a track!  

Pleasure Mr Diggsy, it's a shame that little splash of rain curtailed our session though..

Thanks for the organising Buzz, it's always better when we can get a mob together.  :cool:

I'm now knackered!, and got to be up early, so good night gents.  :D

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cracking day weather was good considering,  car went like a train Oulton  has to be my favourite circuit :love:  :love:

just watched the vid on bigscreen and I knew I was close to the tyre wall but didnt realise how close with first front end then rear :0  :0

on reflection think I was very lucky not to escape injury, as bad as it was where it happened ( 4th gear) I shudder to think what might have happened had it happened on one of the quicker parts of the circuit  :(

still cant understand what has gone wrong, watching video clear view of oil pressure guage and it is fine, car appeared to missfire followed by a huge ploom of oil/smoke then a very big spin , hole in either side of the block and a rod with no piston  :zzz:

video to follow  :(

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hole in either side of the block and a rod with no piston

Bad luck m8ey. That's a 1500 aswell isn't it? Won't be cheap, ouch. Glad you're OK tho'. Come to Ollies this weekend for a sympathy beer or two

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Glad to see the weather held up for the track day. I managed to get a few issues sorted and clear up about the carry on trying to get the event booked/sorted and after a bit of a sob story on the charitable 'ins' and 'outs' of the track day business life of Easy Track,we've been promised a better system on booking for us as a club more info on that when I get the details

Good to see Mr Davis today and Kylith is fine and still has an 11mm penis!

Here's a few pickys of todays events if you want copies let me know and I'll email them thro' to you

Oulton Park 29-04-08


Thanks for organising this, Buzz.

Cracking track, must go again.

Got a bit wet going home, so I missed the South Wales club night.

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Unlucky Jeff and sorry to herar about the car...I'm sure you'll get it sorted. Need some cooper entertainement so lets have the vid up sharpish!!


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Unlucky Jeff and sorry to hear about the engine...I'm sure you'll get it sorted. I Need some cooper entertainement so lets have the vid up sharpish!!


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..and a couple more, any idea what these are? Is the big un an old Jag. Single seater has 750 club stickers..



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The guy driving this (tim) won the RGB championship in a Genesis!! Good man anyway the car he's driving  runs a honda 750cc engine but will take all other types of bike engines and the cars can be built for around £7.5K proper bargin for a quick toy


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