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0-30 in 8 weeks (running)


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for anyone fit that prob sounds a doddle but for those who are not believe me it isnt  :(  :blush:  :down:  :down:

new year new start...

on the scales this morn to see 14st 4lbs    

was down below 13st last summer after dropping down from 15 1/2 clem     .

I lost weight last time by follwing this running schedule,


last time I was up to running for 30mins. but more importantly felt much better for it  

just been out and really struggled on the week one schedule      

any other fatties up for the 8 week challenge      ???  :oops:  :suspect:  :suspect:

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Thought I felt my ears burning when havin me tea  :down:
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might be, will have a look at the schedule when i've finished my chocolate an double cream, don't like eating by the p.c.
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I was thinking exackerley the same thing this morning coops...you're on*.

[f**k me, now I'm going to have to give up the booze :oops: ]

* Come again, what is it I've signed up to? :D  :D  :D

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This might be just the ticket, I'm massively un-fit for my age! (In my opinion).

Not interested in losing weight, already at the right weight, but want to get fit.

Just following dad marching round croft highlighted my lack of fitness! :laugh:

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Have struggled to keep to any regime in the past and at present get out of breath going upstairs swiftly.

Just got on the scales and tipped in at 14st 4 which is not great for me at 5ft 9.

Got to admit that I will struggle to cut out the beer, chocolate and McDonalds but if this helps the fitness levels and takes a bit of weight away at the same time Ill give it ago.

How are you intending to report your progress? :sheep:

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Have struggled to keep to any regime in the past and at present get out of breath going upstairs swiftly.

Just got on the scales and tipped in at 14st 4 which is not great for me at 5ft 9.

Got to admit that I will struggle to cut out the beer, chocolate and McDonalds but if this helps the fitness levels and takes a bit of weight away at the same time Ill give it ago.

How are you intending to report your progress? :sheep:

We need an independant ajudicator (sp?). Someone with integrity, diligence and fit as f**k. Volunteers please (please state how many of those boxes you tick).

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Right then I've finished my cake!

Someone mentioned new years resolutions to me the other day and it got me thinking, I've always wanted to do a triathlon but the fact I had bad knees so couldn't run, no bike and couldn't swim always got in the way.

But more seriously this looks feasible and I recon if I can get myself a decent pair of trainers (in the sales) which protect my knees and shin splints i'm in.  

[f**k me, now I'm going to have to give up the booze :oops: ]

hang on a minute he never mentioned giving up the booze!!! ???

Anyone recommend some good trainers for this sort of thing :p

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well Ive confessed to my first run... :blush:  :blush:

jog 1min then walk 90secs. I managed all eight but have to be honest the last 60secs was a killer as its uphill  :oops:

I suggest anyone up for this get on your scales (no fibs) post yer weight and we could do a weigh in every week and an update every time you go out. ;)

as I said I did this last year (had never run/exercised for 20 years ) and when I first did it I couldnt manage the week one schedule thats how unfit I was  :blush:  but within 6 weeks I was up to joggin  the full 30mins as I advanced really quick once I got to week 3  :t-up:  :t-up:

food wise I didnt cut a lot out really, just eat smaller portions and cut out the ket and cake  :love:  within a couple of months I was down to my ideal weight , but was so much fitter, I used to (as i do now) get out of breath when I out with the kids  even running upstairs after the missus   :blush:  :blush:  :down:  :(

Best bit of advice I got was get a decent pair of trainers, on recomendation I got Nike air pegasus, and Ive never had shin splints yet with em on  :t-up:  :t-up: went for a walk new years day with a pair of next trainers and was crippled when I got back..

do not even try untill you get some running shoes  ;)  :t-up:  :t-up:

[envy mode on]oh and onther thing my pal that sent me this link last year was fatter than me and struggled at the start but now runs for the county and has done the marathon with a good finish [envy mode off]

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Feel inspired, jumped on the excersise bike for 20 minutes as its too cold outside :blush: .

Will try and do 10 mins on the bike before work tomorrow and another 20 mins+ when I get back.

Dont want to post weight as I'd rather put on weight than lose anything. :)

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as its too cold outside :blush: .

you winnat feel cowld believe me I was out 6ish and time I got back sweat was running down me back and face  :blush:  :blush:  :blush: I was running last year in the rain and snow once I got into it  :durr:  funny thing exercise its addictive  :suspect:  :suspect:  :suspect:

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as its too cold outside :blush: .

you winnat feel cowld believe me I was out 6ish and time I got back sweat was running down me back and face  :blush:  :blush:  :blush: I was running last year in the rain and snow once I got into it  :durr:  funny thing exercise its addictive  :suspect:  :suspect:  :suspect:

Yeah, but I bought that excercise bike ages ago, bout time I got some use from it. :D

I've tried previously to get fit but couldn't get into a routine , hopefully will this time.

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looks a bit complicated, if yer not careful you'll end up finished ten minutes from home or finishing it off up and down the drive


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I personally don't bother with the interval stuff. I use my heart rate monitor and keep a constant 160BPM and run a fixed course of 5 miles. Progress is shown in the time taken. In my peak which I achieve in the summer I manage it in 25mins. When I am not at my fitest, after the winter it takes me 32mins  :(

Running to music definately helps. Get a decent pair of light but supportive running shoes, expect to pay at least £75 but don't go too stupid on the £120 ones you will use them past their best. Finally get proper running socks, I use 1000mile ones and never had a single blister since. If you really getting into it buy a GPS runner, they are great.

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Im no expert  :blush:  but From what Ive read the run / walk technique is best for starters, I had a heart monitor last year (battery was flat tonight) and Im sure when my legs start to ache I was around 178bpm , I cant go any more than that as I felt faint  :0  :0

I remember at first it took a while to get the heart rate down but that changed after a few weeks.. Tonight It didnt seem to drop from the beating out of my chest mode and lungs couldnt keep pace either  :down:  :down:

on the shoes I think I gave around £50 , they were recomended on that running site , Im sure Ive read somewhere that runners change them every 500 miles  :oops:

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