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Guarding against theft


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I just take the engine out after each track day this year that should slow the joy riders down a bit

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

If you carried a spare gear box you could do it at track days !

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Put a picture of my mother-in-law on the dash; that will scare them to death!  I guess it's the "Love-Hate" tatoos on her fingers that gives me the comfort :cool:
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The reality is that Westfield etc are unlikely to be stolen and sold on in one piece. Any that do go will be broken up and the bits sold on. So if the worst does happen keep an eye out on ebay, find it etc.


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  • 5 months later...

reading this thread with interest-

It's a question of what you want to achieve in your security:-

1- Stop it being stolen by joyriders- Various methods will prevent it from starting.

2- Stop it being stolen for parts- Again- if they want it they'll get it

3- Catch those responsible- Why not try this...

Vehicle trackers are probably not worth the gamble- but most people have an old mobile phone lying around. You can track mobile phones with ease- so all you'd have to do is

a) Keep an old mobile phone charged* with around £10 credit in a discrete part of the car - *This is the tricky bit.

b) Subscribe the mobile to a mobile phone location service (£8 initial subscription and £1.50 every time you search for your phone)

c) If your motor gets nicked- go online type in your mobile number and offer the police a running commentary as to where your mobile phone currently is- this is accurate to within 100 yards.

The reality is that after a week or so you'll get bored with replacing the battery on the phone.

If anyone is interested pm me and I'll send you a notepad document that explains it further.

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I'm planning to use the same device I used on my old Rs2000 -a motorbike security chain and padlock through a wheel and round the suspension (i've revolutions with big holes).   Actually very quick to fit and stops it being towed away...

just have remember to remove it before driving off.......:p

BTW I started a thread on the mobile phone thing which got a bit slated, IMHO I still lthink its a good idea. I'm sure it would easy to provide a stepped down voltage supply from the battery to connect to the charger input -no need to worry about batteries then.

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I had an MG Midget years ago and I put a simple toggle switch through the bulkhead high up under the dash and connected one pole to earth and the other to the contact breaker side of the coil. When the switch was ON it was electrically the same as the distributor being frozen. No amount of hot wiring could start it unless the innocent looking wire connected to the -ve side of the coil was removed. No car thief removes wires to start a car, surely? ???
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I'm planning to use the same device I used on my old Rs2000 -a motorbike security chain and padlock through a wheel and round the suspension (i've revolutions with big holes).   Actually very quick to fit and stops it being towed away...

No, it won't. A thief will have a trolley jack or a set of go jacks and be dressed like an AA/RAC/other recovery type man. You need to secure it to something solid and pray they don't have any more "proper" tools. *ANY* lock and chain is defeatable, as *ALL* my motorbike riding frineds will tell you...

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i know a guy who used to be into car theft - done his time now and is straight - from most of the things he has told me nearly all cars are stripped for parts - the shell then discretely chopped up and weighed in. cars such as porsches mercs etc - lots of them end up abroad. it depends on who the car theif can get hold of to sell on the car - usually they will knick it and drive it straight to a lock up - they have quite a few so going to the nearest one will be easier.with the kit cars they are TOO hot - stand out too much when driven - but how many coppers ask people have you seen a kit car driving down here? no - non.. so they dont care - just steadily drive it to the lock up avoiding being nicked for speedin etc - then it will be stripped. they wont just nick any old kit car tho - they know what they are looking for ones that are easy to nick - its all about time - time trying to get away with it - they are noisy - so you may find that the car will be pushed away from your house then started or towed..

my best deterent - concreted U shaped  bar into the ground then a huge best you can buy pad lock on a huge chain - takes the average car theif longer if he has no tools but as many have said - they will get it if they want - lock you car up and play car theif - how would you nick your own.. easy innit.


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my best deterent - concreted U shaped  bar into the ground then a huge best you can buy pad lock on a huge chain - takes the average car theif longer if he has no tools

Still, no harm in tipping them off eh? :bangshead:

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BTW I started a thread on the mobile phone thing which got a bit slated,

It wasn't slated, but that way of doing it has certain shortcomings that were pointed out. No-one said don't, but a couple of folk who understand the shortcomings of mobile phone signal triangulation were keen to point out that you may not get as accurate a location *in some places* as you might think...

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Sorry Blatman no offence intended perhaps *slated* was a bit harsh,  "slightly poo pooed" ?    :D

On the wire to the points trick - Not tried it but recon you could switch a capacitor across the points  (the capacitor/coil makes a tuned circuit) -with the right value it would run but be very rough and keep cutting out , very confusing for a thief

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Sorry Blatman no offence intended perhaps *slated* was a bit harsh,  "slightly poo pooed" ?    :D

No apology necessary, just offering my interpretation of the discussion as I recall it. One or two of the posts in the dicussion could be read as being slightly irksome, but that is the writing style of at least one of the respondents. It can lead to misinterpretation though...

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Anyone remember the smith & jones sketch where the guy pushes the alarm switch on his porche and it turns into a robin reliant??  :D
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Im planning on getting a ground anchor fixed in my garage!

I dont think when its on your drive/in a garage a westfield will be started by a tea leaf. Rolled away or slung and lifted maybe!

A friend of mine makes thatcham approved ground anchors and chains. The design is patented and allows (with the correct keys) for the anchor to be unbolted, if you move house for example. He plastic coats his chains to prevent damage to your car.

If people are interested I will ask him for a cut price bulk buy! They are amazing quality, much better than any motorbike examples I have seen.

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