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Guarding against theft


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The thread regarding the stolen car has got me thinking. My car is kept outside and the only security devices I have are the steering column ignition lock and the fact that I can take off the steering wheel and take it with me which I always do.

When the car is at home should I be going mad and chaining it to a ground anchor and so on?

When I'm out and about it the fact that I remove the steering wheel sufficient?

Any advice would be much appreciated.



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True enough that Westfield's are not often stolen and the one going missing from a garage is rare.

Not much call from 'hot' kit cars in the pikey market. Your enti-theft steering wheel will go a long way to prevent problems but obviously if it's parked in a visible area all the time then somebody could plan to bring a wheel with them.

All depends on your level of paranoia.

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True enough that Westfield's are not often stolen and the one going missing from a garage is rare.

Not much call from 'hot' kit cars in the pikey market. Your enti-theft steering wheel will go a long way to prevent problems but obviously if it's parked in a visible area all the time then somebody could plan to bring a wheel with them.

All depends on your level of paranoia.

The only risk I can really think of is that someone could nick it for the engine maybe which would be worth a few quid on ebay. How someone would know that it's worth a few quid rather than a boggo 3.5v8 which are relatively common I don't know. I only see that as being a risk at home... maybe I'll get a ground anchor.

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maybe I'll get a ground anchor.

Attached to those security block pavers should do the trick :p  :p  :p

Use a nice deep rawplug

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maybe I'll get a ground anchor.

Attached to those security block pavers should do the trick :p  :p  :p

Use a nice deep rawplug

That's not my driveway, that's from the ebay ad. Our driveway is a proper hairy-arsed concrete one covered in shadows of oil leaks from cars of yore  :p

I'll take a picture this weekend and update my avatar.

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This is a good topic as I too keep my car on my drive way (am planning to build a shed).....

I was think of plumbing in a micro switch that cuts the ignition and hiding it somewhere thats not obvious....Anyone ever done this?.


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mine has got nothing on it............

But as you can see from my other thread............. if its warm, it won't start so they can't nick it!

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Could install a proper alarm/engine immobiliser! As I am still building mine I plan to do this when I install the loom, so that I can modify it and make it difficult to bypass. I also plan to install a tracker.
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What you have to understand is that whatever you do if someone wants to nick it they will. The sad thing is we will all bid on ebay etc for cheap parts and hardly ever question where they come from. Undoubtedly this has been nicked and will be broken for bits or will be appearing at a trackday near you without chassis number etc.

Anything you can do like immobiliser, chains through the wheels dog etc will only delay the thief but it may be enough to let them be caught.

try not to be so paranoid about loosing our cars so we stop using them otherwise the scum wins.

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If it is any use to anyone else, here's what i did to mine....

Since I'm running carbs and not Efi i had a spare pair of terminals by the fuel tank intended for a fuel cut off switch.  When I spoke to WF they said just to connect them together.... ho hum I thought ;)

I bought a cheap keyswitch from maplin and wired it to the 2 terminals, the switch itself sits in the bottom of my bootbox under a load of junk (would work better if you had a lockable bootbox lid).  

If I'm nervous about leaving the car I turn the switch off and hopefully foil any theft.  I can vouch for it working too.... at Oakington airfield I got halfway down the runway while having a drag race when I lost power.....  thought I had knackered my engine, but it turned out to be my anti-theft device :p

Mark B

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