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Ok so the camber on my front wheel..


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..is annoying me now as i can't work out why it does it.

I see no evidence of accident damage, and things look much the same one side as they do the other.

Yet the left hand wheel leans in slightly.

It has a small amount of movement in the wheel when you rock it in the 12/6 o' clock position but as a friend of mine suggested, ball joints bearings and maybe track rod end thingys would be unlikely to pull the wheel back into line that much.

So, any ideas? I have no idea what to replace to get it right again or is it a case of replacing everything?

Here's a quick pic of the camber, it looks the same on any surface by the way.


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Ah cheers, he did mention he was going to try and sort something out about it before when i spoke to him, but just never got round to it.

So, it seems maybe a new top wishbone is the way forward yet reading that thread you can't get them to fit.

Doh, as the man in yellow says.

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I have done some measurements from your photograph by levelling the shot, placing blue and red markings on the front nearside suspension points, 'flipping' them and transposing them on the offside suspension points using the blue dot as the fixed reference. As you can see there are some minor anomalies but not enough to give the camber change exhibited in the photograph - I would suspect the bearing or non-matched uprights. Hope this helps.


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have you nipped the bearing up ??

have done a few over the years, when looked at the camber has been quite far out on a few, nipped the bearing up and it made a lot of difference.

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While I was doing the research, someone else has posted and I see you are looking into a new top wishbone but as you can see from my measurements, the existing ones are the same width on both sides of the car!
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Thank you.

Never gave the uprights a tought tbh.As for the bearing i shall have a look at that aswell!

On a side note, do you think it is safe enough to drive as it is?

I'm not about to go breaking lap records etc etc but i don't want something to be under extra pressure to to the angle and snap off!

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While I was doing the research, someone else has posted and I see you are looking into a new top wishbone but as you can see from my measurements, the existing ones are the same width on both sides of the car!

Aye i was wondering if i could get adjustable replacements.

Thanks for the photo edit jobby by the way, much appreciated and a damn good idea that :D

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I think I would want to get the bearing checked soon - this is easy to do for yourself and is a likely culprit I guess but I would also recommend that you check the shape and style of the two uprights. If the upright has had a severe bash making it distorted, this would also be a bad thing!
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If you look at the photo with the dots added (top marks Stepp) the anomolies are larger than you might think. The thing that looks suspect to me also is the spring on the side where the wheel is leaning in is coil bound at the bottom where on the other the spring has open coils. The spring platform looks level. I would remove the nose and with the car on a level surface measure the height under the chassis side to side. I suspect this might be out due to the spring, if I am correct this would put the top of the upright out of alignment.


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While I was doing the research, someone else has posted and I see you are looking into a new top wishbone but as you can see from my measurements, the existing ones are the same width on both sides of the car!

Mmm. Nice thought, but IMHO far too inaccurate.

If you think about it, just a couple of mm difference *could* account for the difference in camber - this is when everything is 'full size'. When everything is transposed to a size that will fit onto a computer screen, coupled with 'guesstimating' the wishbone ends, I don't think it would be very conclusive TBH.  :t-up:

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Is it just me or does the LHS top wb pick up point protrude more than the RHS ?


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I had something very similar on my car and it turned out to be major misadjustment of the top balljoint. Once I had checked everything on a Laser alignment setup it was obvious. I had to wind out the top joint by 4 turns and there it was same camber on both sides.

Just a plonker had adjusted it before I got it.


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I had something very similar on my car and it turned out to be major misadjustment of the top balljoint. Once I had checked everything on a Laser alignment setup it was obvious. I had to wind out the top joint by 4 turns and there it was same camber on both sides.

Just a plonker had adjusted it before I got it.


Trouble is, there is no adjustment to be had on Boomy's top wishbones, both top and bottom balljoints are fixed...

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Trouble is, there is no adjustment to be had on Boomy's top wishbones, both top and bottom balljoints are fixed.

ooops, sorry, didn't know some Westfields had top wishbones with no camber adjustment.   :)


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