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Attn Scottish Westys


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Any other westies going other than me and Stevie?


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Hi guys,

Thanks for the chat and wet blat today!  Saw my hood on the east bound M8, will pick it up later when it's quiet.  Does any one have the link to Scottish Type 7/Caterham web page? I can't find it with my limited IT skills.


Ivor R

PS  Got my hood back from the cenral reservation, a few more scratches; must tie it down in future!

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Hopefully next month we will have a rain free day, BTW that Chocolate Royal was worth the journey, be putting my weight back on if I don't watch it ! :p
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Think I need RainX for my eyes, getting stuck behind tourists at 40mph in pi$$ing rain means you get ******* in the eye with what felt like hailstones. Would wear a hat, but Stevie lost his going over the Erskine bridge and Ivon lost his hood on the M8 so it probably wouldn't last long.

When I left you all at Tarbet I had a great run up to Crianlarich, over by Crief and Perth to St Andrews. Great roads, great scenery, great weather once I'd left Loch Lomond. Nearly 300 miles in total by the time I got home, what a top day  :cool:


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