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Nikon COOLPIX 5700 / 8700


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D70 v EOS 300D is an excellent battle raging in the 'astro' world too. I have no regrets but in fairness have only had the camera for three weeks. There is one good thing to come out of all this though - Blatters and I disagree on cameras too. Thank goodness for that :D:D

Those nettles are beginning to sting now but if I'm not prepared to take a good critique, I shouldn't have posted the shot!!

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Steve, I think it's a bit like the old Ford vs Vauxhall thing from years back when you were either a Ford man or a Vx man - usually 'cos your Dad had one  ;)  

Personally I've always had Canon kit and never seen the need to spend the inevitable extra on a Nikon  :t-up:

One of these days I'll go to digital SLR (I make do with an old EOS650 at the moment) but I've only just managed to go digital for a camcorder ('refurbed' Canon MV530I for £189 on Ebay, looks completely untouched and works a treat...) so it may be a while before I can justify £5-700  :oops:  :D

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Steve, I think it's a bit like the old Ford vs Vauxhall thing from years back when you were either a Ford man or a Vx man - usually 'cos your Dad had one  

I think you are right to some extent although the water is a little muddied here as the D70 and 300D are both genuinely very fine cameras for a relatively silly price. I required a fairly limited feature set for astro work so either camera would have been fine although both are pretty well featured for most purposes - the cruncher for me was the lower price and weight of the 300D.

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Looks like it's back to the choice between D70 & EOS300D.

I think that I've already made my mind up on this one & it's gonnabe the Nikon...............

Just have to get the buget passed my business partner now.... :blues:

:t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:

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Nice one. Damn good price too.. :t-up:

That's what i thought............it's as cheap as some of these  E-bay import cameras & it's UK warrenty & VAT no & no risk of import duty............. :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:

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  • 2 weeks later...

What kind of price would a reasonable 2nd hand digital SLR be available for? with lense(s)

Don't want the latest and greatest for price reasons, but was wondering if a reasonable camera could be got for a good price!

Mainly want to take action shots fish in a tank and the kids mucking around etc, sometimes my Ixus 430 has too much lag!!

ie this pic was taken with a Nikon D70, could you get similiar results with an "older" and thus cheaper 2nd hand digital SLR?




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The way Digi Technology has come on in the last couple of years the £700 camera is better than one that cost 4x that 2 years ago. So theres little point in buying a 2 year old camer as it'll cost about the same as a new one with better features.



Don't you go over to the USA every now & again? If so buy one over there @£1=$2 it's got to be cheap....... :t-up:

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As nana's says, no point in buying something more than about a year old, IMHO...

If second hand is what you want, then ebay is probably the best place to look...

The D70 is pretty advanced, using similar optics and image gathering hardware and software as the pro use D100, which is pretty much the industry standard camera for snappers at the moment. You'd have to go a long way to beat it for the price/quality, I reckon...

I tried to buy from the US myself recently. One of the major stores has a web site with good prices, so I wandered in to one of their shops in a mall. They had no problem matching the web price, but add in state tax (which they wouldn't waive for exports, and which I wouldn't pay on the web), they weren't sure if they had a UK spec plug available for the charger, and they were being generally vague about the warranty, so I wandered off shaking my head...

Once I'd done the sums though, it would have been cheaper to buy a new one off ebay, which is probably what I'll do if I can't get one from the same place Nanaman did, 'cos thats still just about the best price I've seen *anywhere*...

Roll on the January sales...

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Hmm, expensive food for thought!! Someone else mentioned the EOS D30 would be a cheaper buy than new.

Maybe I should just practise more with my Ixus 430 !!



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Having just bought a D70 I can say with a high degree of confidence that you won't be disappointed with it.

The kit lens is more than adequate for starters and you have the option of using some great Nikkor lenses in the future, should you choose to invest in them.

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I tried to buy from the US myself recently. One of the major stores has a web site with good prices, so I wandered in to one of their shops in a mall. They had no problem matching the web price, but add in state tax (which they wouldn't waive for exports, and which I wouldn't pay on the web), they weren't sure if they had a UK spec plug available for the charger, and they were being generally vague about the warranty, so I wandered off shaking my head...

For what it's worth, I paid $1,149 (delivered) for mine and I doubt you would have got too close to that in the stores unless they were being very agressive on pricing or running a special offer.

Be very careful of items bought from ebay or elsewhere on the interweb, in particular that they have all of the correct items in the box and that the camera isn't refurbed.  When you get the camera it should :

- ask you to input the time and date;

- there should be a plastic protective sticker over the LCD

- there should be a small card in the CF compartment

There are also utilities you can get to read the EXIF files and check how many times the shutter has been fired.

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