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JWT's road legal Sprint Car

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Do i here a fancy being tickled?    

:p  :p  :p  :p

You most definitely do, but to buy yours I'd have to sell mine...

Don't wanna be without a Westy for too long.

Don't suppose you're at 3 Sisters are you?


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Its really nice Mr H  :D  :D  :D  ;) Goes like a train  :D  :D  :devil:  :D and drives like its on rails  :D  :D  :devil:  :D  :D

unfortunately not going to the slappers,

well,only the ones in chesterfield this weekend(out with navin fri night)

have to remove doner zetec from ford escort sat morning.

you could see the car any time you like.

where are you based?

is chesterfield on your route home from sisters?


i like the sales pitch mark.

i might even buy you a pint for that.

have checked the spray pattern on the xe injectors yet?


I'm in Swindon, so Chesterfield isn't really 'on the way home'...


How quickly do you want to sell?



have checked the spray pattern on the xe injectors yet?

Engine due out for fettling and checking over winter  ;)  ;)  :D C ya at awards - tickets in post this morn

Go on Andy - a quick detour off the M6 and you're there  ;)  :D  :devil:  :D  ;)


within a month would be nice.

have got storage arranged though so its not that desperate.

will need the brass when it come to the pricy parts of the fury.


Getting ahead of myself a little bit here, but would you be prepared to accept a 'I'll buy yours when I sell mine' if it came to that?




all depends on any other intrest realy.

and you will obviously want to see it first.

how salable do you think your car is(time and price wise )?


My car is pretty much a standard road car, so I would hope it would sell relatively quickly.

There's a little work needs done to it right now (brakes, service and a tidy up), but that'll hopefully be done in the next couple of weeks (thanks Si! ;))



lets give it a couple of weeks then and see what happens

regards jonny

off for my tea,i,ll be back later  :t-up:  :t-up:

Sounds like Andy likes the sound of this car so keep on shunting him in the right direction and we might get him  back on track and into the siding of normality. :D  :D  :D  :D  :D
lets give it a couple of weeks then and see what happens

We'll see...

What you doing this weekend? Maybe we can sort something out...



I'll start negotiations now ;)


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