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Peak District run out Sun 14 July

Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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Thanks again to Julie for organizing a lovely run out, sorry we couldn't stay for cake but standby started at 3pm 😔

The rain started on the way home but thankfully it was only a drizzle, and i didn't want to get my car dirty and wet, took me ages bringing the bodywork back to something like after its years of storage. 😁

For our first run out in it, i'm very pleased performed great.. Here's to the next run! 

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@Steve Bosworth what a stunning car you have bought there from @tuonokid58 we will look forward to seeing it out and about for some years to come. Here it is in all its glory.






Fresh from the Alps trip was Ian in Bagpuss with stickers showing all the alpine passes he drove and tales of the trip for us.




Fresh from the chrome platers was Andrew with his V8 and the air filter




8 cars in total meeting at Quackers




A lengthy catch up over breakfast at Quackers, it seems ages since we all met




We had a steady run up to the Ladybower Dams with lovely views over the hills, all looking very green I might add. We arrived at Bird Cafe, Hathersage, rearranged the furniture and had lunch




There was talk of ice cream so we made our way over to the Pavillion Cafe, parked away from the cricket match and enjoyed our ice creams and cakes on the pavillion, yum yum.


















Parked at the Pavillion, Baslow





More of the hairy legs on show than normal, someone had ripped his shorts alighting from his car, oops




It's been a fabulouso day again, great to see everyone and be back out in the Peak District with those wonderful views, albeit not on the most exciting of routes but I will have more time to plan next time and normal service will resume.


It is the car meet at GBS, Ollerton next Friday evening so if the weather is good we hope to see you there, thanks for coming everyone xxxx




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Great drive out - caught in rain on way home !  Some of Mo's pictures that were not blurred😁














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Good to see  @BugMan Steve’s car aka Lewis (LWS) back on the road 😎

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Looks like you had a great day 😎 sorry to have missed it 🥺 but travelling back home from Cornwall . Here is our food picture


I knew the exhaust was not just to look pretty, it’s a pasty warmer 🤣

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I've still got windrawal symptoms from our great Euroblat - it's quite a shock when you've been Westfielding all day for 12 days in a row with great company and scenery to suddenly be back home/work and no Westfielding, hence it was great to get out yesterday with the Peaky Gang!




@Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative  never fails to deliver and mananged to help bring back great Euroblat members by combining key obstacles, namely lycra louts, swinger boxes and mobile toilets all into the run at the same point!







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