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In the market for a Westfield


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My Dad had owned Westfields and other similar track cars in the past so i've always fancied owning one myself.

Im looking for something that can beĀ used road and track just for weekends in the summer months. I'm just after some advice as I haven't much of an idea of theĀ models available and what I should be looking out for when viewing this sort of car. If any body can give me some advice on common problems and which model would be a good starting point then it would be much appreciated!

I have found this one on Ebay andĀ I am looking to spend around Ā£10,000 to begin with, let me know what you guys think.

Thanks in advance!


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Welcome Joe90,

Have you checked here first https://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/forum/88-westfields-for-sale/

Ā Before going to Ebay, cars on here will have been owned by WSCC members and will be well known on here. Once you have found something that takes your fancy, start asking questions about the one you like.


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Thank you for the info!


I'm interested in both of these but I am unable to comment on either post, may be because I am a new member?Ā 


Let me know what you think.Ā 






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1 hour ago, Joe90 said:

but I am unable to comment on either post, may be because I am a new member?Ā 

Itā€™s because you are just a ā€œtrial memberā€.Ā 

Only paid members can post in the for sale or wanted sections.Ā 

You can buy a ā€œpaid extended trialā€ if you think full membership is too steep, but honestly if you seriously want a Westfield then the full fee usually paysĀ for itself 10x over (ask anyone)

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30 minutes ago, Chris King said:

Itā€™s because you are just a ā€œtrial memberā€.Ā 

Only paid members can post in the for sale or wanted sections.Ā 

You can buy a ā€œpaid extended trialā€ if you think full membership is too steep, but honestly if you seriously want a Westfield then the full fee usually paysĀ for itself 10x over (ask anyone)

I can vouch for the monetary value of the club. It has saved me a small fortune just with the advice available. Will add though that it goes way past a money thing, there are some great peeps on here that you get to interact with. Re the cars for sale posted on here, Iā€™d say there are a couple at least currently available that are well worth a close look. Seem to be very good value. Good luck in your search. Ian.

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OnceĀ  again ditto to the above info, I suggested looking on here first because it's what I DIDN'T do when buying mine and I paid far far moreĀ  for it and the standard was poor, which causes more cash to be spent.

Good luck with the ongoing search anyway.

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Thanks all, appreciate your timeĀ šŸ‘


Any advice on common problems and things to look out for when viewing?Ā 


Also if any if you have had a look at the link to eBay above, your thought would be much appreciated on value for money and your opinion on the car.Ā 


I will sign up this evening once I'm home from work and enquire about the cars available on here also - Nice to see a forum where people are so active and willing to help, I've been a member of a few forums for various cars and people are more concerned with nitpicking than actually helping!Ā 







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Condition and build quality is everything - the worse things are where you can see them, then things that are hard to get to or buried away, will frequently be even worse.


Look for signs that someone has kept an eye on the car, and maintained as they've gone along. (Westfields belong to the generation of cars that needed comparatively frequent, but minor, checks; 90% of this is checking fluid levels and "spanner checking" the tightness of critical nuts and bolts on suspension, steering and brakes, along with making sure joints aren't worn/rubbers perished)


With that age of car, look at condition of perishable items, like fuel hoses, rubber seals on joins etc. They're not big things to sort out, but will give you an idea of how well looked after it is.


They say the turbo motor is a recent change; how recent, how many miles since it was done?


For me, a car sold after a big, expensive change, doesn't necessarily set a red flag, but it does raise lots of questions. Sometimes, it's simply that the owner made the change, realise they didn't really like it, and hasn't the will to go through changing back any more, bargains can be had, here.


However, often, it's because they've only just realised how much development work and/or expense is involved in big changes to engines and things. This can lead to a basically running/mapped car, that may have all sorts of niggles to sort out, or additional bits to really finish off the conversion properly. Or sometimes, it can be a runner, but with issues needing more mapping and fine tuning on the rolling road.


If the price is right, and you enjoy doing the work necessary to complete projects like that, then again, some great bargains to be had.


But if you want a car to just use, I'd always look for one with a good few thousand miles plus, on it post conversion.


Oh, and I fail to comprehend ANY advert for a specialist/enthusiast car that does not include engine bay photos. When it's a car with a non-standard, upgraded engine, that tends to swing to mild suspicion, for me. Why are the no pictures of the conversion you boast about, what problems would they show? (Usually, this is just an omission by the seller, but it is more common with non technical sellers...)

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As @Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club SecretaryĀ has suggested. A turbo conversion is a big change to a car. Has the cooling system been upgraded, have the brakes been upgraded too. No mention of ECU or who's mapped it.Ā 


Needs more exploration. Come back with more info and we'll help as best we can.


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Hi and welcome from South Derbyshire!


I can also vouch for the value of being a member here, it really is money well spent.


My advice would be to look at a few cars and maybe get to see some members cars (as soon as we are able). Not sure where you are based but owners are always happy to talk cars and take you for a quick spin.


Every westie is different, so make yourself a list of "must haves" and "like to haves" to narrow your search.


Personally I'm always a bit wary of turbo's and the power delivery in such a light car.... but that's probably more about my meagre driving skills! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚



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Really appreciate all the informations guys, being new to this uts really helpful.Ā 


This is the reply I received after asking all of your questions.Ā 



'90 % rubber hoses changed in last 5 yrs
Has had a base map at bailey performance but not been on rolling Road so would advise a full remap before any serious trackdaying as with any sportscar. Although idles fine and lambda sensor in car reads slightly rich so all good.
Turbo upgrade 5yrs ago done approx 300 miles in that time turbo was a reconditioned t3
Cooling system has upgraded polo alloy radiator
Front discs drilled and grooved and green pads fitted
New Bosch fuel pump
Cambelt and water pump replaced last year'


To me that's an off-putting reply and I think I'm going to leave it - So thanks for helping me dodge a bullet.


On to the nextĀ 




Previously crashed and repaired which isn't a huge issue for me as I have family in the bodysuit trade to check it over.Ā 


Everything else seems legit and the price seems reasonable for a beginners car. I don't mind if there's a bit of work.Ā 


If you can let me know your thoughts again it would be greatly appreciated šŸ‘


Best regards,Ā 



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Not sure I'd go for a damaged/repaired unless I knew the car.


Have you seen the Blue SDV car for sale on the forum? Looks a lovely car. Don't be put off by the 115bhp, it'll still get a wriggle on.


Also, its not hugely expensive to supercharge the Mazda 1.6 if it's not powerful enough to 160+Ā bhp on standard internals using the Mini Cooper S M45 supercharger. The M45 isĀ Ā£200-300 secondhand, mounting kits are about Ā£200-300 (can be bought on ebay) plus belts, pipes and a rolling road.

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Hi Rob,Ā 


Thanks for the reply šŸ‘Ā 


I've been to see the car and seen a picture of the damage and it seems great condition now - my dad used to own a body shop and he's given it the thumbs up and all wheels are aligned and running true, although I doĀ understand you reservations and appreciate your time replying!Ā 


It doesn't come with wet weather gear, is that easy enough to get hold of? I've had a look online and there's a few different styles. I'd be looking for full cover. If anybody can point me in the right direction that would be great!Ā 


Thank you all for all the help and I'll keep you updated as I add bit to the car going forward šŸ‘


As I said before I've never been on such a quick and helpful forum so it's much appreciated.







BTW I'm based in South Wales if there is anybody local you can recommend to have a look over it properly and the bestĀ local shop to dyno itšŸ‘



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I'm in south Wales too, if you want to have a look and a drive out in mine, the more cars you can see the more of a feel you get for quality and the differences out there. May be completely different from what you're looking for, it's a wide body 1999 Megablade but if you want to take a look I think it's a cracking little car.


When I bought it orginally I saw some right ropey cars, when one owner went in to get his keys I took the dipstick out, there wasĀ no oil in itĀ and he wasn't bothered about starting an engine with no oil. Walked away before the test drive on that one. Wiring is a good indicator of attention to detail in how a car is put together, seen fuses in the middle of wires tucked under carpets, vipers nests of wiring with no labelling/ colour coding on any of it,Ā Ā if someone's been bodging jobs on a Westfield you're best to walk away.


There's a massive variety of styles, engines and build qualities out there.


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Hi Dibby,Ā 


That'd be great! Where abouts in South Wales are you based?Ā 


Soynds like you dodged a bullet with that one! Thanks for all the extra info, I've got a checklist to go through before I pick it up.Ā 


I had seen a few megablades or similar up for sale but I was put off by the sequential gearbox having never driven one. How are they to drive? Would be great to have a look šŸ‘Ā 





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