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classics vs kit cars

Martin Young

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I've had two Mk3 Spitfires (and a 1500) in my dark past, and they both "ate" half shaft U.Js !! I got quite slick at changing them. :D  :D

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Yup, never can forget my first wife's face the day I showed her what her 2l Vitesse drophead could do when I yumped sideways and the right rear folded underneath :blush:  :blush:

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Spitfires were not too bad, if you kept your foot down in the bends, it's when you had to lift off mid-corner things got interesting!! :D  :D  :D  :D

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Completely refurbished a Rover P5B 3.5 Litre Coupe if you are too young see here

Never again. Difficult but rewarding, then I realised once it was finished I had to sit in a field with a bunch of w*****s who polished their tyres, their cars and their ego`s (the worst I ever saw were the Allegro owners club  who had the crappiest cars I ever saw or the Ferrari owners club who were simply arrogant t*ss*rs :devil:  :devil: )

Which is why I now own a Westy (which is nice)

Mind you round copse in Rover was like white water rafting......

:arse:  :arse:  :blush:  :blush:

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Allegro owners club  who had the crappiest cars I ever saw or the Ferrari owners club who were simply arrogant t*ss*rs

ROFLOA  :devil:  :D  :D  I totally agree I had the occasion to attend a few car shows in the Westfield many years ago and they were always about - we found some great pubs while the saddos paraded around the show-ring and polished their nuts  :D  :D  :devil:  :D  :)

Capri Owners were another source of fun  :D  :D  :devil:  and the the Marina OC  :devil:  :D  :devil:  :D

I shouldn't but can't help it  :devil:  :D  :devil:  :D  memories  :devil:  :D

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if you kept your foot down in the bends, it's when you had to lift off mid-corner things got interesting!!      
Interesting!!??!!??  almost took out a honda civic on a mini roundabout  :D  :D  :p  :p  :0

The old man driving it had a good laugh though seeing a 35 year old car going sideways :cool:

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Christ Hilux, all that crome, you must have been polishing while every else was drinking  :p  :p

Still I remember when, aged 17 (can you imagine this today?), I had a summer job as a delivery driver for Henlys in Colindale delivering Austin 1100s to insurance reps all over the UK. They used to give me £24 + a full tank to deliver a car to Glasgow. Took me approx 8 hours to get there (at 40mph to save fuel), get the rep to drop me at the airport. £4 standby BEA Viscount to Heathrow then half a crown (12.5p to those lucky enough not to remember) Red Rover to get home. Could manage 3 a week, at £18 net each trip, bl**** fantastic job, especially when they began to trust me with exotica (TR6, etc.) until the day the brakes failed on the used P5 resulting in a T-bone with a Roller :blush:  :blush:

Them were the days, NOT

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Rust? Whats that?

In1969 at 17 YOU probably wanted a Cooper. Me? a Bond Bug!Couldn't afford the £633 back then so had to make do with £450 Regal van to tow my trials bike to events. Now, aged 50, guess what, you can laugh  but I've got my Bug and its a hoot, 750cc, 4-branch manifold, hi lift cam, hi compression head, SU carb, and high ratio back axle (from a modern Rialto!;) Heaven!  :zzz:

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Oy Gevalt :0  :0

See world, there are people out there with worse aspirations than an original Allegro square wheel or colour co-ordinated nuts  :p  :p

I'm off to bed  :D  :D

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herself has a 72 midget! thought about converting a roadster to a v8 ! then found that westfield made a chassis for my engine so my choice was made! :cool: when i was a lot younger there was a bloke in our road who had a three wheeler, to p*** him off we used to get three or four of us and we would pick it up and put it against his back fence,  being a terraced street, he had to walk round the front, by which time some b******* had shot a load of his pigeons with their airgun! :0

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