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classics vs kit cars

Martin Young

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Was out for a run in the westie just before Christmas and stopped for fuel at thge local Tesco's. Got talking to a guy with a mint MGB roadster who was also filling up. He couldn't understand why anyone would want to buy a kit car as they 'had no heritage' and were merely 'plastic toys bolted together from old cortina's and escorts'

I though this a might inconsiderate considering I had my (recently cleaned and polished !;) pride and joy with me !

Anyway he quite openly told me that he had spent approx. £12K getting a full restorationcarried out on his MG by a local garage. He had all the period bits on it including the original radio and the storming 95 bhp engine. I pinted out that you could pick up  / build a very nice westfield (or most other kit cars for that matter) for that sort of budget and that they would be better engineered, faster, handle better and prove more reliable.

He laughed and told me thast I was too younf to realise what I was talking about and that there was no substitue for 'the engineering excellence and heritage that MG was founded on'

I decided not to get into a heated argument and quietly paid for my fuel and left.

About 20  minutes later I rounded a bend on a local B road and what did I see. The same guy parked at the side of the road with the bonnet of the MG propped open and steam wafting out from the engine bay. I thought briefly about stopping to offer some help but decided on action plan B.

Dropped the car from 4th to 2nd and roasted past him with the 'thoroughly modern' zetec wailing away at 6800 rpm and the side exhaust scattering leaves all over both him and his car. Don't you just love classics ??

I genuinely believe this was an usual case as just about all classic car enthusiasts that I have met have been great guys (or girls) and most admire the westfield and just have great fun talking cars.

All the best.


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Martin, you are right. I think the bloke in question was merely trying to justify to you (and himself) that it was a good idea to spend 12k+ on a  fast Marina :D  :D  :D

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I've had a few classics b4 buying the Westie, including a Fiat 124 Spyder & Alfa 105 Coupe.

I think i ust to do about 1000 miles a year in them, last year i did over 3000 in the Westie. Nuff said :durr:


P.S. £12K on an MGB  :arse:

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Well being part of both camps, i can comment...

I got my 1275 AH Sprite at the tender age of 13, it was a father son bonding thing for me and my dad...even though it caused many disagreements.

Bought it for 400 quid....and have spent less that 1k on it since then. It is a good (well..ok) useable classic that served to teach me bits and pieces, and the fun of driving in the wet with no bag of sand in the back.

It was alot of fun, but then i grew up! i figured i had better get a car that is as much fun, that would let me do to big boys cars what previously i could only do to nova sr's ;)

I love the whole see a classic and wave thing...which is a major part of that fraternity, but then i also like the stares that come free with the westie...and the annoying white van man that feels he has to ask 'what engine you got in there' is still kinda satisfying

different horses for different courses!

mgb, 12K restoration....8K immediate value resale

westy, 12k build.....8k resale after 4 years with a few track days to boot

no contest

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got a Westy and a 1968 Triumph Spitfire.

Pah, MGs, pieces'a ****. Not that being a Triumph man has any swing on the decision.

Love both classics and most kits, theyre more original than other cars on the road. Would neva buy an MGB roadster though. bl**** awful. The steel they used was ****e and floor panels went quick, and with the later ones not having a chassis a b******* to repair  :p  :p

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ah yes, the MGB with its lovely 1798cc engine......







originally designed for use in a TRACTOR  :0  :arse:  :D  :D  :D

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different cars different people or so you would think  ;)

i have a 1970 lotus elan s4 se

lotus elan race car ( avtar)

tvr griffith 500

and i have just sold my westy ,i have owned 5 westy's and would buy the right one again tommorow ,some people just think because they own a so called classic that nothing else is good enough ,( b*****k* ) getting out of there cheap nasty full of filler MG's with there flat caps and pipes  :( thinking they look cool !!!  my A***  :arse: sitting at there ohhhhhh so posh shows with deck chairs and travel blankets ,to stuck up to talk to the person next to them  ;)  :arse:

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quote "to stuck up to talk to the person next to them "

there 18 stone wife thats got a A***  that takes up the passenger seat and the g/box tunnel in the MGB,a cheek on each  :( oooerrrrrrr ;)

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Interesting topic?

Where do I sit with an Eleven. Pretty similar chassis as a pre lit apart, I think, from the Panhard rod locating the rear axle but clothed in 'Classic' style. Original 'spriget' running gear except for suspension (double wishbone coil over at front, twin trailing arm coil over at rear).

Do I

a. behave like a surrogate 'classic' and only restore it as built (1275 'A' series, 40DCOE, mild cam, approx 100 bhp).

b. be a partial hooligan and spend £8k on a twin cam 16v head for the 'A' series from here good for 120-150 bhp

c. be a full hooligan and replace engine & box from here ('K' series, Mk 9, up to 220bhp) and brakes/suspension from here for £10+k

What do you think?

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I work for a motor factor and  will always remember the bearded tw*t who wouldnt buy my track rod ends for his 2 seater morris oxford cos the nuts werent the same colour...need we say more. :arse:  :arse:  :arse:

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wooo hooooooo coloured nuts  :love:

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:0  :0  :0

Would neva buy an MGB roadster though. bl**** awful. The steel they used was ****e and floor panels went quick

If my memory serves me right, Spitfires rusted even quicker.....

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nope good chassis, the only thing that was a b******d was if you removed the chrome strips and water got into the spot welded seams on the bonnet and rear end  :0  ???

every thing else is  :t-up:

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