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Mira sprint.


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bbc news /weather last night said temps will be in the 20 degrees by the weekend

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I live fairly local to MIRA and the local weather prediction for Saturday is 22 deg C but thunder and lightning storms also

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I'm happy to go with Pete but looks like rain from forecasts from what I can see !!

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Have you left your rain man curse at MIRA Marto??

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great looks like the rain will be up north .us down south will be fine


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I'm also wondering witch kind of classes they have done in the event... All Wscc (as per regs) of course are class 14. happy to fight with westfields in class... but not with people with not roadgoing cars with slick tyres (if any) have not checket who is who in the list.


Of course, I thought about that today... is courious to see westfields 2.000cc in class 15G, and also see strikers and furys in series production cars???


I have the impression that if you dont have a bentley you are not so much important, and don't bother were you want to compete?

Will bring the work's badge and stick it in the nose cone... just in case I get any benefit... :p

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It all depends on the hosting club Maurici - sometimes we get put into a WSCC class on the day, which means you are competing against anyone in the speed series regardless of our class structure, and sometimes you are put into a class that matches the spec of your car. I prefer to be in a WSCC class as it's more fun and banter in the paddock :d It does mean you are less likely to win a trophy on the day, especially if lots of the experienced guys are there, but it's still more fun.

Ref the other cars entered - they're just not competing in the WSCC Speed Series so go into a different class. At Wiscombe, there were about 8 or 10 Westfield's competing in total, but only 3 of us were from the WSCC, the rest were in different classes.

Hope the helps to explain it, look forward to meeting you on Saturday.

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Yes!! Is clear. I've understood the stuff since the beginig.


However... Is wierd(for me) that the same car is placed in different classes, and make no sense. We are already competing in the Wscc series, regardless of the class. However, is how it is, and it will not change.


As allways, everything is new for me, and believe me or not... there is A LOT of small things that are different that in spain. (of course, not the fundamentals. We have cars... and we use to race with the cars and the winner is the fastest one, this is the same).


All this differen small things  use to claim my atention more or less. The diferent class distribution inside the same even is one of those. Race Numbers not being provided by the host is also someting rare for me. And having a Sprint in a test facility... 


Uk is different, but in general, everything (at least motorsport related) is much more better.  (not the weather)

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(Just to make it clear, most of my previus post, pretends to be a joke... )

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Maybe I am going mad but I am sure when I looked yesterday afternoon was showing zero rain for tomorrow , it's now back to rain again in the afternoon ... Anyway I am looking forward to my first sprint in donkey's years and meeting up with some new faces :0)

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Accuweather says


Nuneaton showers at 11-00 , 2-00 & 4-00 pm Sat

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Also Accuweather says:




Showers 11-00 & 4-00pm Sat

Very Sunny Sun


So I reckon Rain Main is Hedging his bets!.


Have a great w/e all where ever you are competing.



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