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Speed series questions?


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The SSOT has discussed this and given the following ruling.


Based on "Engines fitted with Turbochargers or Superchargers must use the unit supplied with the standard manufacturer’s engine."

Engines which did not originally have Turbochargers or Supercharges fitted will therefore not be using the standard unit (as there wasn't one) so they will have to enter class E or F depending on cc.
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Thank you for the confirmation Nick.

As a novice entering class F would I still be able to compete for the overall novice award even though not entered into a novice category?


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Yes  I am a novice and in F with my megabusa.  We have expert target times but there was some talk about that being reviewed.


Either way don't worry about target times and being competitive in your first year.  Just enter, make some new friends and have fun and you will learn a lot about your car and driving for the year after.



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The SSOT has discussed this and given the following ruling.


Based on "Engines fitted with Turbochargers or Superchargers must use the unit supplied with the standard manufacturer’s engine."

Engines which did not originally have Turbochargers or Supercharges fitted will therefore not be using the standard unit (as there wasn't one) so they will have to enter class E or F depending on cc.


Out of interest, whilst it will change with ecoboost cars and that will be a potential minefield as to what is or is not standard with hybrid turbos in standard casings, what other standard turbo or supercharged cars are there entered today?  I had a ZEi 220 once that was cosworth turbo,  Is there anyone with a sport turbo?

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Just discussing not complaining but holy crap do the average westfield runners in class F get near them target times? They are serious times !! 53 round loton wouldn't be sniffed at in some slicks and wings classes never mind road tyres with a H box when I was last there.

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Yes there are some seriously quick cars and drivers in the speed series.


Just to give you some comfort as a novice my best at Loton last year was only a 58.47 so don't worry too much about the target time.  It's more accurately described as a record time.



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That's maybe a good suggestion, rename target time with record time. It has much more cudos being 1 second off the record time then 1 second off the target time.

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The target times are a combination of Records and calculated times so they are not all records

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Just discussing not complaining but holy crap do the average westfield runners in class F get near them target times? They are serious times !! 53 round loton wouldn't be sniffed at in some slicks and wings classes never mind road tyres with a H box when I was last there.

Take a look at some of the machinery running in that class and you will see why.

Not to mention that there are some very quick drivers in the Speed Series.

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Add 5% to most of the target times and you get what would ordinarily be quite a quick time for the class. A lot of them aren't just Wscc class regards, but overall class records for the venue as well!

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Not to mention that there are some very old drivers in the Speed Series.

Fixed that for you. :p

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Think your predictive text went wrong there Scott what you meant was


Not to mention that there are some Experienced drivers in the Speed Series.

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Think your predictive text went wrong there Scott what you meant was


Not to mention that there are some Experienced drivers who are so old they forget and get lost on their laps in the Speed Series.

Fixed that for you as well. :p

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