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Westfield Sport 250

Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator

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I guess a LSD is an option, interesting WF chose the 5 speed box

Anybody going to Autosport show? Pictures always good


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Why is peak power and torque so low? In the rev range not in value... that torque figure is certainly not shy!


Is that a feature of the eco boost engine?


I presume that's peak torque at 2.5k, but then it's pretty much all there for a while and just drops off a bit too early to make a headline power figure to go with the torque? Given that bhp is just a calculation of revs and torque.

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That torque figure is a mistake I think. More likely 390Nm

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That's a picture of Ash's old s2000 if I'm not mistaken.

Well when I was at the factory earlier this week there was a turbocharged car sitting in the showroom area, where I had coffee with Simon W., and it certainly looked brand new to me, not like Ash's or anyone else's old car!

As I was there to talk about my XI, I didn't take too much notice, but I did have a quick look at the open engine bay whilst waiting for my coffee, hence I know it was red and black, the engine was a brand new turbo unit, and it was all shiney and new! :)  :)

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Can I fit that engine in my currently empty engine bay :) ... sounds like it will be pretty quick out if the box.

Just the price tag would put me off as I would be considering other stuff at that point.

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That torque figure is a mistake I think. More likely 390Nm

yeah the Ford brochure says the Focus is 345Nm and 360 with overboost

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I'm guessing a lot of that cost would be the engine and management. Just a quick look on eBay and they look like complete engines are going for around 1.5-2k

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With brand new engine, gearbox and diff.

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If looking for figures, you need to look for them based on the Ford Racing ecu, not the standard Focus set up, (if I've understood correctly).

I'm not well enough up on the current range to know exactly what's in an ST anyway these days, from the conversation at the open day, I'm assuming references to the ST are purely so that British buyers can put the engine in to context.

My understanding was that, (originated by Ford in America), this is all based around a series of off-the-shelf packages from Ford, based on the 2 litre Ecoboost engine, but the key thing, with looms, ecu's etc available in nine-car specific versions, designed for installing in any car, and available through Fords regular channels to both professional and amateur builders.

From other stuff I've read, on the US product, the Ford Racing ecu was also "open" in that the end user could have it remapped to suit performance upgrades that were available.

This means that the figures even for the "standard" engine, don't necessarily match a specific Ford car.

The graph I've seen is from the US on 93 octane fuel, but yes, shows peak torque around 2750 ish and then trailing, though still looks to be over 200 lbft as it passes 6000 rpm. With power building to near max just before 4000 rpm and hanging on pretty flat till around 6 k. (Stress again, that's US figure, presumably on the engine dyno, so the absolute numbers won't quite match, but the overall for should be similar).

Certainly looking forward to hearing more about the Westfield specifics of the engine and the rest of the model.

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Oh, forgot to add the same Ford US chart shows peak torque a little over 350 lb ft, which is roughly 475 Nm, as I say, on lower octane fuel.

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So it's £10k more than an s2000 or Megabusa kit?

Lot of money for an engine and gearbox - or is that about right for an ecoboost and Mazda box?

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It's sounding like it's going to be quick out-of the box regadless of actual power figures, will be interesting to see what other developments get included apart from the drivetrain

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Wonder which ECU they are using, will try and find out next week when at Autosport unless others know now

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