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What do you love or hate about your Westfield?


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Love the noise, the thrill, the wind in my hair (ok, the wind on my head), love eating flies and road gravel, I love the connection between you and the road, the complete lack of any safety features knowing that if you crash you will more than likely end up dead, I even love getting a sunburnt head when I forget to take a hat. Love being able to hear, see and smell the countryside in far more detail than if you're wafting along in a diesel tin-top. Love having to concentrate on every gear change, corner, line, pot hole and cowpat, love the noises and character and everyone's car being different - it's almost like it's a living thing you have to be extra nice to on a cold morning, I love going for a drive for fun and not just to get from A to B, love the way you can forget about your worries, love that it's the only car I've driven that I don't want to put music on to drown out the monotony, I love that 40mph feels like 100mph .... it just makes you feel more alive.


I hate not having it in the country with me and having to sell it on.

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Let's see, what do i love...


The directness and responsiveness, the tiny footprint of the car on the road - makes A and B roads feel so much wider, with more room to manoeuver. the "tinkerability" of the car and the huge number of ways they can be customised and personalised. In fact, most things about them really.


I don't "hate" anything about them, that's way too strong a word! But dislike? Or wish was better? I wish some of the more practical improvements in the Sport Turbo's weather gear had been fed back into the regular ZK and FW gear. I wish we had a "mark three" scuttle that recognised the desire for owners to swap between windscreen and aeroscreen for the summer, and that when fitted with a screen, both properly integrated it into the design, and incorporated wipers that worked at better angles. I wish we had a factory option steering rack actually designed and set up for a car as light as a Westfield. There's some geo' tweaks i'd wish for too, but I'll stop there!

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 I wish we had a "mark three" scuttle that recognised the desire for owners to swap between windscreen and aeroscreen for the summer, and that when fitted with a screen, both properly integrated it into the design, and incorporated wipers that worked at better angles.


That'd be a good call - I like the aeroscreen a lot, but am planning a trip to the Alps next year - so a screen and half hood is hovering in the back of my mind.


The westy for me has achieved something I thought impossible - it has satisfactorily replaced my long time addiction to motorbikes - and that is a statement I honestly thought I'd never say!


It is a hoot on the country twisties - and requires a similar level of concentration as a bike (being all small and vulnerable). This is something in particular that I like, as it means my head can only work on driving and staying alive which in turn means all of the day's problems that filled my head get neatly put away and this (for me) magically helps solve subconscious issues, whilst at the same time providing a nice shot of adrenaline!


Now, if only I didn't have 300 hrs of work to do this month! (right, back to it)

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I love the noise - it brings a smile every time!

Absolutely agree :) :)

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Recently, I love how easy it is to drive, fast or slow. I hate that I hardly drive it!

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Hate the insects that are attracted to it,    you can guess what colour car I have.

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Love the...

  • tapered retaining nuts for the wiper blades
  • smell when you open the garage just before a run
  • noise when it gets up on the cams
  • look on a first time passengers face
  • full on face blast with the aero screen
  • exits from roundabouts on dual carriageways
  • fact that I now own one after waiting for so long

Hate the

  • days it rains
  • days I have to work
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I hate the fact that there is only one Sunday in a week, everything else I love.

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Love the fact that my car just makes me feel alive....


Hate the fact that the weather isn't conducive to a drive out every day....

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The sound of the crossflow

That it looks so small and neat next to Mrs T's Mini

That people smile when I drive past

That people grin when they ride in it

That it makes me grin

.......this would be a very long list if I didn't stop




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I love the following:-

I built it, makes me immensely proud.

I have upgraded it

I keep upgrading it, not sure I will ever stop!


The fact that I am a member of this club

The camaraderie of the club and local members

I never thought I would do track days, now love them

Every one is different, and changing them does not really affect value

The sound

The speed of acceleration/pick up on overtaking

The handling

Need I go on?


Not much fun to drive in the wet

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Hate when it's suddenly not on the road on a Saturday when the sun is shining :(

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I adore my Westfield. I've been lucky enough to own some cracking cars in my time, from 106 rallyes, to cossies, to turbo charged clio 172's. I even owned a 310bhp Ford transit connect van and I can safely say the Westfield blows the lot of them out the water. Nothing has a grin factor like my Westie.


I find it cheap to run and upgrade and the performance really is unbelievable. 


Heres some pictures





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