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Yorkshire 8 South - Sunday 17 May

Rory's Dad

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hope to be there at the strines for 12ish

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Well another cracking day - nice for me too tootling along in the middle of the pack.  Feel free to comment etc but I'll try and get the Yorkshire 8 with Julie's Tricky's and Barry's text put into some sort of order for publication in the next magazine. Oh yes and mine too for the northern leg.  Was Prelit Steve's car repairable beside the road.  It's a lovely car - those Webers look as though they were made in the 1950s!!


Thanks to everyone for making it yet another great day  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:

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Yes it was just a broken weld on the cycle wing bracket. Another on the to do list, should be getting shorter not longer oh well. :)  

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Hi Steve

If you can't weld it up yourself bring it up to me and I'll do it for you.


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Another great day! Nakkib and myself managed to loose everybody after leaving the T junction cafe (probably went the wrong way lol) anyway apparently we were spotted filling up at Buxton :d  We managed to find Jim and Barry over the tops at Holme Moss! and here we are with Emley mast in the background where we started from  :)



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A 14 car convoy, no pressure then, but my rear view mirror looked stunning. I was sorry that Dave and Robin could not make it though, good luck with the MOT Robin. We have a new addition to our club, a new member that has not paid his subs.....it is The Peak District Monster Minion, see if you can spot him. The Bertie Bear is such a fantastic idea that I have had to copy it, it is the best form of flattery, hope you don't mind too much.


Glen and I joined the day at The Strines where it was that cold we had to go sit indoors. Here we are flying the flag for the club.




The car park soon filled up with lots of lovely cars. Tricky, MartynV and me.




Our new member, aaarrrrrgh.




Jim hiding behind Prelit Steve, Van Zeller and Kits Up North cars.




Marcus, Barry and John/Jackie's Elise.



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Cheers Barry but I had to treat myself to a welder to do my gearbox change, thanks anyway.

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The Sth Yorks TVR club that we had met at Blyton came for a look at our cars. Matts car sits well next to the TVR and AMG.




Jay Perry and the MK Indy (from Ripon Car Show last Sunday). Jay is putting his cycle wing back on, whoops.




After a quick fuel stop we went for a pose through Castleton village and a thrill up Winnats Pass. We then went across country along quiet roads to the Tea Junction and we just looked brilliant all in a convoy. With the weather being dull and downright freezing it meant the Peak District was quieter than usual so we had the roads to ourselves, great.


At the cafe, Hulme End.










From there we went to the top end of Buxton where we managed to lose Steve, Marcus, Jim and Barry. Through Buxton, Dove Holes and onto the high road past Hayfield and into Glossop. Everyone went rather noisily up to Holme Moss leaving us, MartynV/Sue and a guy(Andy) from Lincoln to head off home up the Snake Pass, calling in at The Snake Inn for a brew.


It has been a very successful day and I for one have thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you to everyone. Next Sunday we are meeting at The Strines, 10.30 am, see you there.

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Yes a great day, bit chilly at times but very enjoyable  :)


We left home a 9.10am with a short stop for brekkie and then on up the A38, the A6 through Matlock Bath, turning off through the Chatsworth estate, on to Baslow and Hathersage to get to the Strines in for 12 Noon.






Pictures as we left the Strines Inn around 1pm.


I'll leave Julie to fill in details of the route we took but we had a final stop at the Snake Inn? for more tea before setting course for home (no pics).


Once we were cruising as a singleton again we could not resist a final stop for tea and food…….can you guess where?






Finally arrived home at 9.30pm….. after 230 miles……done in but  :d


Time for bed!

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Hi Martin and Sue

You are Heros for all the mileage you do and good to speak to you again.

Barry and Andrew

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Sorry to have missed yet another great meet with you guys :( wasn't back from Assynt NW Scotland in time to get sorted.

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My guess is that is Matlock Bath and I have another guess, our Sue just might have been there lusting after the motorbikes. So you get the V8 Marty and let the lady have her bike, everyone's happy, where is the cheque book.

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Barry, do we have any footage from Andrew's GoPro? 

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Hi Julie

Yes we do but I think the battery went down early after the Strines and also he won't be putting it up onto youtube until he's finished his exams but we'll put links on when it's done.


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