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What do you do for a living?


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Installation manager for a kitchen company...........

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I run an online mountain bike shop, plus fiddle with cars (mainly geometry setups and corner weighting) and do some track driving instruction to make a few extra bob on the side!

Mind me asking what the site is called? I love a spot of DH when I get the chance.

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Engineer, mostly mechanical but some structures, electrical, and chemical. Currently doing trajectory analysis of a flight vehicle. About 1/4 of my time I get stuck doing management stuff. It's a small company. Overworked but never bored.

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Aircraft inspector

And breaking and entering or locksmithing as I call it on my down days

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Mature PhD Student,

currently researching, Imaging techniques for enhancing characterisation of composite material and structures. Prior to this I was lead test engineer in the Aerostructures department at QinetiQ, mechanically testing and evaluating composite materials and structures.

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I keep getting told I am a ITS (intelligent transport solutions) project engineer

But mainly just an outlook engineer like many others

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Until 4 years ago (on Monday 11th May actually) I was an Assistant Director of the National Blood Service.....I retired aged 50.  


It's my mission each day to try and do a little less than I did the day before.  So far it's working out fine... :westy:

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Chicken sexer ;)

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Aircraft inspector

Tell me more....

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........It's my mission each day to try and do a little less than I did the day before.  So far it's working out fine... :westy:

Me too         :yellow-westy:

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I work for an insurance company as a business systems analyst, also do technical support and some system administration.

I am also a semi pro musician playing guitar in a few different bands.

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 Underwater photographer.


Fish, wrecks, scantily-clad female models... 



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I just check the structural integrity of the wing structure before the top skin and bottom skin panels are fitted

One a day every working day

Not "tickets please" like a bus inspector


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Chicken sexer ;)

How'd ya do that then? by sight or by touch :oops:

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