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Stoneleigh 2015 - The feedback thread

Andy Banks

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First time I've been as a member - the club looked so impressive, I can't honestly see why anyone visiting would choose to go anywhere else!

A hose pipe and sponge area would be handy for the tarts amongst us (or maybe its just me)

Could we persuade WSC ltd to also sell Mark's paper cars, maybe also as the kids leave the drifting area?

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First time I've been as a member - the club looked so impressive, I can't honestly see why anyone visiting would choose to go anywhere else!

A hose pipe and sponge area would be handy for the tarts amongst us (or maybe its just me)

Could we persuade WSC ltd to also sell Mark's paper cars, maybe also as the kids leave the drifting area?

I second the car cleaning area...a few buckets and sponges would have been great!

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A hose pipe and sponge area would be handy for the tarts amongst us (or maybe its just me)



I second the car cleaning area...a few buckets and sponges would have been great!

Simple and cracking idea. The big entrance arch/banner is normally sited right on the tap (we used it to attach a hose to feed the water boiler in the marquee) so it would be no problem at all to do this  :d  :yes:

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I thought the Westfield area looked great,

I came in my Gulf blue Mk Indy R, i do also have a westfield and i am also a member of this club, so didn't think it would be a problem to bring that instead?

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I thought the Westfield area looked great,

I came in my Gulf blue Mk Indy R, i do also have a westfield and i am also a member of this club, so didn't think it would be a problem to bring that instead?


This illustrates perfectly why it's not a problem in my books.  Yes, we're the Westfield Sports Car Club, but do we want to look or be considered as snobbish in the same way other car clubs do?  Most definitely not!  It's not like we ran out of space!  You were and are most welcome :t-up:

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There was a company selling cleaning products aimed at the GRP market, apparently endorsed by Westfield. Maybe they'd like to help out with their equivalent of a bucket and sponge?

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This illustrates perfectly why it's not a problem in my books.  Yes, we're the Westfield Sports Car Club, but do we want to look or be considered as snobbish in the same way other car clubs do?  Most definitely not!  It's not like we ran out of space!  You were and are most welcome :t-up:


Good news to here !  :t-up:

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Congrats to the organisers and all who helped. A great effort by the club. Showing some members cars in the hall was a good idea but I thought we might be able to do a bit better by having more informative info boards for these cars, as I think the purpose if I recall was to show a wide variety of cars from through the years and provide info on the history and key changes and differences. I think this display also did well to show the huge variety of ways Westie can be finished and how it can used e.g. racing, sprint, track day, long distance tourer etc. I think everyone who visits the show will scour the main halls but not necessarily visit the club stand since I guess its beneficial to maximise the opportunities a hall presence brings. Happy to volunteer my well-toured Mazda SDV for next year!

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Ah, now that's a good point and therein lies a tale...!  I have explored restarting membership cards with lanyards for the show, but the cost and hassle of doing so would be extortionate for something that would likely not ever be used by the vast majority of members, so that idea was shot down in flames with the crew screaming in agony all the way to ground.


I can check to see if we can get blank clip-on / pin-on badges that the stickers can be, er, stuck to as a possibility - does that sound like a good compromise?

That's pretty much what I was thinking about. Cards would be too expensive and lanyards lost year-on-year. Cheap pin on name badges to stick the stickers to would be great!


Yes, but you missed your chance to do so during the nominations and elections in March / April. so you'll have to wait another 12 months and put up with me. :d

Oh, I'll get used to you by then and you might just grow on me! ;)


Rab, thanks to you and the Scottish clan for making the epic trip down, it was great to see you all - well done! :t-up:

You're welcome and it was a pleasure! A privilege to meet you all again and have a blether

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First time I've been as a member - the club looked so impressive, I can't honestly see why anyone visiting would choose to go anywhere else!

A hose pipe and sponge area would be handy for the tarts amongst us (or maybe its just me)

Could we persuade WSC ltd to also sell Mark's paper cars, maybe also as the kids leave the drifting area?

Do what I did and bring a 'travel size' amount of everything you usually use. There's a tap on-site and a light wash and dry where you're parked shouldn't cause a mud pool if everyone was allowed to wash in the same location, where this is on the grass .. unless an area of hard standing is set aside for us!

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Congrats to the organisers and all who helped. A great effort by the club. Showing some members cars in the hall was a good idea but I thought we might be able to do a bit better by having more informative info boards for these cars, as I think the purpose if I recall was to show a wide variety of cars from through the years and provide info on the history and key changes and differences. I think this display also did well to show the huge variety of ways Westie can be finished and how it can used e.g. racing, sprint, track day, long distance tourer etc. I think everyone who visits the show will scour the main halls but not necessarily visit the club stand since I guess its beneficial to maximise the opportunities a hall presence brings. Happy to volunteer my well-toured Mazda SDV for next year!

Thanks for that, we're keen to see how this worked (or otherwise). Points raised are quite right, however it has proven really difficult to get a mix of cars to be made available for the entire weekend as we can all well understand. I hope we can achieve the same if not better for 2016 and do more for the Speed Series side of things which we, er, kinda, well, erm, seem to have mislaid this year  :oops:


All members have access to the Car Data sheets, I even offered to print and laminate, so no excuses for not having a wealth of information available for people to read. To have proper info boards/stands is a great idea but unless someone here has the time and skills to construct such things it's back to basics.


Given the above the original idea of an historic display just won't work, but a good mix of different cars with some in different states of build, etc. could (should). We'll build on that thought over the coming months in readiness for 2016. Also, maybe a "More cars in the marquee on Plot 53" sign in Hall2 and vice-versa in the marquee...?

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I popped in on Sunday in the Tin Top and Monday In the ASBO...... Free entry with the Westie, superb surfaces to drive in on..... Vs £15 to get the splitter totally mullered by the excuse of a road to the parking field..... I will never attend again in the Tin Top, rant over, it was great to catch up with everyone again, got most of the shiny gizmos I wanted and found some great customer service at the Protech Stand. Thanks to all who made it happen, maybe next year my in laws won't nick my camper so I can spend the whole weekend at the party!



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First time ive ever been even though ive had a Westy before, and first time (obviously) as a member. I seem to spend my day running around looking after Julian E and being the Aerodynamix helper / gopher. I thought the club marque was very well laid out, but maybe some car info would help newbies, so as they can understand the differences. It might be nice to put some older / cheaper cars on display maybe outside so as to show that you dont have to spend a fortune (my car was very cheap) to enjoy a westfield and this may encourage someone who was thinking of a kit car that they way be able to afford a westfield. The auto jumble was fantastic as i got parts i needed within 5 minutes of arriving at the show.


Just my thoughts, but overall it looked the most proffesional club by many miles at the show.






p.s. will be more than glad to put my cheapo car there next year and help on the stand

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From the little situation which arose. I think there should be very clear signage around the camping area excluding non volunteer members. Very clear no ifs or buts, no yapping dogs no grief.

Maybe moving the main tent away from the drift cars would please a few, personally it didn't bother me but there have been a few comments.

Think it went very well.


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Bring back Pretzels!!!


I felt very proud to be a part of the club.  The effort that had gone in to organising the clubs stand(s) was clear so well done to everyone (Andy, Ian and the immediate team and helpers).  If we could improve on the name badge thing somehow, I think it would really make for a lot of fun.  Personally I would be happy to get my username and avatar plastered on a t-shirt, to avoid everyone having to strain to read my name badge (well done Tableleg :yes: ).  Perhaps WSCC could strike up a commercial agreement with a cheap online supplier and get the cost down for members.. then it's up to us!

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