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Stoneleigh 2015 - Thanks to all

John K

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My personal thanks to all in the Stoneleigh Team who helped make it a smooth, efficient and enjoyable event. Andy, Ian, Marcus and all the blue shirts did a great job and it went so smoothly that it was unreal.  Honourable MemSec Mark Redpath worked his socks off signing up new members and renewing others, as well as selling new club key rings with profits going to our charity of the Air Ambulance.  The turnout at the AGM was great and there were some interesting and relevant questions raised by the attendees which we were all too happy to field.  BBQ Master Ian did a superb job under the new club awning, and the increased variety of food also seemed to go down well.  My thanks to all those members who made it to Stoneleigh and I hope they enjoyed themselves very much.


All in all, another great effort with great spirit which made every other club look very small and insignificant indeed by comparison - I'm proud to be a member with you all.  On behalf of the Committee, thank you all very much indeed. :t-up:

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Just to add my thanks to Andy, Ian and Marcus - brilliant job all round.  It all went so well  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:

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Great weekend!


A great weekend.  The best bit certainly was the WSCC marquee and everything in and around it.  I'll add my thanks for a great day.  Still feeling guilty about leaving the Westy in the garage though...well, a bit anyway.


Good to meet you, Blessed !

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Still feeling guilty about leaving the Westy in the garage though...well, a bit anyway.


Another suggestion for next year...


Whilst I was surprisingly chuffed to get a blue "Here to Help t-shirt", can we get some nice pink alternatives with "I'm a big girl's blouse" on them for the folk who come in tin tops "cos it might be a wee bit wet..."


And respect to Dave(?) who had to drill holes in his Westie to let the water out as it had raised the centre of gravity by about 6"...

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Scott, not to worry. Next year I will be providing snipers on the roof, a small tank and a carefully laid mine-field

I have a plan, I may still be able to get my hands on one of these ;)


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and again my thanks to the committee, the oragnisers, the helpers and all that attended


a particularly large thank you to Tony (Housebeautician) who gave up two full days to help me supply the club merchandise - he made what was last year, too much for me to manage (although I did) into a much more pleasurable experience - he also braved the ride up in torrential rain on the Sunday morning :t-up:


I had the pleasure of meeting many new faces and many that I had seen before (even if I did have to look down at the odd sticker or two to get the names :blush: )


and another thank you to Mike and Rich who kindly turned up with the parts that we had discussed :t-up:


It was also good to see the fabulous three looking fairly relaxed during the show as well and able to perhaps enjoy it a little more (unlike last year)


Thank you



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