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Stoneleigh 2015 - Thanks to all

John K

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In all seriousness, thanks for taking the trouble and making time, to you and all those that attended the AGM. I

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Yes well done all concerned good effort again.

Didn't realise you were there Saturday John, would have been good to have been able to say hello and thanks in person for your help.

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The yapping black dog owners created a situation which needs to be closed out. Very clear area marking for WSCC volunteer members only. They caused a bit of a situation which Ian and Andy will have on the list of improvements for next year. My personal view is that they tried it on unnecessarily then played the wasn't my idea card. Without some intervention they used Westfield ownership and youngsters to gain access where they shouldn't then tried to blamed others(me)for advising them to speak with our organisers for guidance ( elsewhere). Not a major problem but one which keeps dropping up.



Andy and I went over post AGM to see what the situation was.  The lot had already set up and had a BBQ on the go, so it proved impossible to shift them without a major confrontation.  One in particular was most aggressive and stroppy.  Our friends at the gatehouse had failed to properly direct them to the non-member camping area.  I shall be making strong representations to Grosvenor about this, and we will using club funds for next year's show to produce large, professional, weatherproof signs making it painfully clear that only volunteers with permits will be allowed to camp and all others removed.

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Yes well done all concerned good effort again.

Didn't realise you were there Saturday John, would have been good to have been able to say hello and thanks in person for your help.

Shame we missed each other and a possible suggestion for next year, what about a white board where we can write up who is on site (or a pin board) so we have a register.

That way we can make a effort to find folk that we know are about.

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Shame we missed each other and a possible suggestion for next year, what about a white board where we can write up who is on site (or a pin board) so we have a register.

That way we can make a effort to find folk that we know are about.

Great idea, save your thoughts for Stoneleigh 2015 Feedback thread, coming to a forum near you soon...

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Great idea, save your thoughts for Stoneleigh 2015 Feedback thread, coming to a forum near you soon...

Agreed, excellent idea John.

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Thanks from the far North to all the committee, AO's and volunteers for make the long trip down and back to my first ever show a very memorable one. Special thanks to Rab (bombero) for organising a great trip.........

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Another great show from the WSCC :t-up:

Thanks to Andy, Ian and Marcus for all your efforts :t-up: also to those members that gave up some of their time over the weekend to help set-up and then man the club stand in the hall and the marque as well as their partners and spouses for their help and support.

A big thanks from me for all of you who turned out for the AGM, I was worried earlier in the day that we wouldn't actually have enough members present for a vote to count but you all proved me wrong and in the end we had a higher number than last year :yes:

Finally well done to all the members that braved the rain on Sunday who turned up in their Westfield's. You all have my respect as the weather I drove up through was biblical.

See you all next year

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Thanks to everyone who was involved in putting on another good show.

Well done Andy for organising it, fingers crossed ill drive my Westfield up next year :t-up:

Me too! (Assuming IVA goes ok 2 weeks tomorrow)

Top job by the organisers.

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Well I got there eventually, did a lap of the WSCC area (intentionally of course, honest......  :p  ), got parked up, got out, got the missus out, turned around and half the members cars had left!!


But i'll say this, considering it's been over 10 years since my last visit to Stoneleigh, I was surprised at how popular it still is, a little saddened by the lack of other cars from different owners clubs, but very impressed with the presence WSC and WSCC now has at the show.


Oh and talking of WSC, loving the "guestimated" prices on some of the parts I bought.......... Or perhaps I should keep that to myself :p

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Thanks from the far North to all the committee, AO's and volunteers for make the long trip down and back to my first ever show a very memorable one. Special thanks to Rab (bombero) for organising a great trip.........

On behalf of Clan McWesty, I'd also like to say thank you to all those involved, great and small, in the planning, preparation and running of the WSCC element of the event. You all worked tirelessly to bring it all together and it hasn't gone unnoticed by the majority!

Personal thanks back at Campbell (clansman), William (Wills57) and Jim (JimM) for making it down from Scotland in their kits! Additional thanks must go to Kev (kev91) and his brother, Conor for providing moral support in their Landy all the way down and joining us on Sunday at the show. It was a pleasure being in all your company. Watch out for the report in the next magazine!

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Deep, deep respect to the whole of Clan McWesties long distance blatters! So sorry you didn't have the weather we've had in previous years for your adventure. But what a trip! 


How could any of the rest of us let a bit of water thrown at us for an hour or two, worry us, when you lads came all that way!


Looking forward to reading about it in the mag.

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i think i must have been the only one not affected by the yapping dog.....


That's because you'd previously been deafened by a car alarm... :p

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