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Stoneleigh 2015 - Thanks to all

John K

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This was my first Stoneleigh as an owner and it was great, even if Saturday morning weather was a bit iffy.

It was really nice to be able to put faces to names (even if some of them were fairly ugly...) and to argue the toss about all things Westie.

So thanks to the organisers and to all those who rolled up.

See you in 2016


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nice to meet you john

I will be in touch re gearbox

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Thanks to everyone who was involved in putting on another good show. 


Well done Andy for organising it, fingers crossed ill drive my Westfield up next year  :t-up:

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Thanks to all involved. As said, another great show.




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Here Here - great show and very good to see a few of the folks.  


I hope to be back in the swing next year :-)




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A massive thank you to all the volunteers who made this another fantastic show, too many to mention but you know who you are......


I would like to personally thank the owners of a yapping little black dog for keeping quite a few of the hard working volunteers awake at various times throughout the night and then doesn't even lift a finger to help out at the show......... rant over

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I enjoyed my time at Stoneleigh, very relaxed atmosphere and the wscc tent had a nice flow of people. Also good to put a few more faces to forum users.

Well done to Andy and team for making a great event :)

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Another amazing show from Andy and the team! Well done doesn't even come close to being enough.


And from all the WSCC members that helped make it so.

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The yapping black dog owners created a situation which needs to be closed out. Very clear area marking for WSCC volunteer members only. They caused a bit of a situation which Ian and Andy will have on the list of improvements for next year. My personal view is that they tried it on unnecessarily then played the wasn't my idea card. Without some intervention they used Westfield ownership and youngsters to gain access where they shouldn't then tried to blamed others(me)for advising them to speak with our organisers for guidance ( elsewhere). Not a major problem but one which keeps dropping up.


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Not my first, but a great day had non the less, and also my first club agm.




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Spellings terrible on that last post, wine and fat fingers. But big thanks to the organisers for making it so easy.


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