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Alan partridge.

I don't mean steve cougan either.

Top gear in the style of knowing me knowing you.

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What now for Oisin Tymon?  


As Bill Murray says in the film Groundhog Day "I think this is the trait of a really good producer: Keep the talent happy".


Well that didn't go to plan on Top Gear.

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In all honesty, if viewer ratings mattered to the beeb, they'd keep JC and TopGear. But in reality ratings don't matter, they get paid regardless.

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In all honesty, if viewer ratings mattered to the beeb, they'd keep JC and TopGear. But in reality ratings don't matter, they get paid regardless.

Could they really keep an employee who on his own admission had haranged another employee for 20 minutes, and then punched him in the face causing a split lip? Would you still have a job if you did that where you work? The man was an idiot and left the BBC no alternative.

If there was ulterior motive, then I suggest it was on the part of Clarkson ,who was perhaps looking for an opportunity to get sacked and then move elsewhere?

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They could go back to their roots and re-hire Angela Rippon along with Noel Edmunds.


Perhaps Cheggers could be Stig...?

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Could they really keep an employee who on his own admission had haranged another employee for 20 minutes, and then punched him in the face causing a split lip? Would you still have a job if you did that where you work? The man was an idiot and left the BBC no alternative.

If there was ulterior motive, then I suggest it was on the part of Clarkson ,who was perhaps looking for an opportunity to get sacked and then move elsewhere?


In my view the Beeb still wimped out: they probably could have sacked him but chose not to.  (Not renewing his contract isn't the same)


...and monumentally short-sighted having all presenters' contracts terminating at the same time!

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I'd imagine that for the last the last few times contracts were renewed the power very much lay with the presenters. Therefore it is in their interests to work together.

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Could they really keep an employee who on his own admission had haranged another employee for 20 minutes, and then punched him in the face causing a split lip? Would you still have a job if you did that where you work? The man was an idiot and left the BBC no alternative.

If there was ulterior motive, then I suggest it was on the part of Clarkson ,who was perhaps looking for an opportunity to get sacked and then move elsewhere?

They kept Mark Thompson who bite a junior member of staff so hard teeth marks were left. And for good measure promoted him to the office of Director General, so they can do what they want if it suits.

The BBC backed themselves into a corner by giving him a Final Written Warning for the "slope" joke, that was approved by the BBC for broadcast. Had they not have run scared from the press they would have had an option left to them.

The BBC is a mess, look at the latest "Clarkson" issue. Tony Hall had one email, yes just one email where he had a death threat. The police said it was nothing, probably a 14 year old in a bedroom in Belarus as it came from abroad. They refused to provide armed guards for him as it was not a credible threat, so the BBC have decided to provide around the clock security at over £1k a day cost to all of us who fund the BBC. If it was not so pathetic it would be laughable.

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In my view the Beeb still wimped out: they probably could have sacked him but chose not to.  (Not renewing his contract isn't the same)


...and monumentally short-sighted having all presenters' contracts terminating at the same time!


Not renewing his contract would be cheaper option with less exposure/risk.


If they had sacked him then they would've been left open to court case potentially so by not renewing his contract they have perhaps taken the 'easy option' but to be fair, it's what happens all the time in business however frustrating it can be.


I've seen folk sacked for violence in the workplace only for them to go a lawyer and then end up getting a settlement as it's often cheaper than fighting.  Sad but true in todays no win no fee society unfortunately.



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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone else spotted one of his old DVD's?




Cars and punch-ups in one DVD?

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