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Blyton Sprint 19th April (Who's going, and questions inside!)


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Some good comments Adam and I agree that sprinting does focus your mind when you have never driven that course before and the scenery goes by very quickly!


My "BEST" time was 131.67secs but like an idiot I opted for a rerun and went slower!!!!!!

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Aah, I didn't realise you could opt not to take a re-run - I went faster as well in that case :laugh: That makes two idiots!


Edit: Found my timing slip, would have been a 131.41 as Paul mentioned to me on the day. b*******!

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You are "offered a rerun"

They did have some times for some of us but not all in the batch from about car 19 to 25 so the times may have been ok but not the one for me in practice which said 127.00secs on the finish clock!!!! :suspect:

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Its more normal to be offered a rerun if they know the timing apparatus has failed or given a false reading

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Thanks Adam...

some of my development is certainly down to your input  :yes:  :yes: with Set Up and driving. 


Cooler brakes and tyres on the first lap of my last run are my excuse for getting the Wriggler wrong and leaving the black stuff giving me a DNF (shame they put it on T4, a 145 lap, when it happened on T5 at 155)


I was well chuffed with times and general consistency in the lardy car (155bhp / 615kg) !  :yellow-westy:

I suspect Aintree on Saturday will be totally different as I've never been there before and I've been told it's more of a power circuit.

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Would everyone want this on the calendar next year?

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Would everyone want this on the calendar next year?


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Absolutely  :t-up:


I was chatting to the Clerk of the Course when I withdrew, and he was a bit disappointed with the low entry of Westfields. Personally, I thought it was ok compared to other events we attend - just illustrates a different point of view from the other side of the fence. Unfortunately, he had put off inviting another club besides WSCC and Nottingham Sports Car Club because he didn't want too many entries: he wanted to give plenty of runs and value for money. Sadly, it backfired and they'll have made a loss.  Hopefully though, positive feedback from this event will get round and more people will enter next year. Maybe the organising club should cast their net wider and invite more clubs anyway. Either way, it out would be good for it to be on the calendar next year.


Shame my clutch gave out on my first timed run so didn't even get a proper crack at the layout.


Adam, don't fret about the clutch. It's had a year of hard use, and the failure may well be linked to my having found 1st instead of 3rd when downshifting for The Wiggler. Buzzed the engine momentarily and the shock to the transmission goes without saying.

Oh, and nice driving, by the way  :t-up:

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Whats the damage?

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Adam, don't fret about the clutch. It's had a year of hard use, and the failure may well be linked to my having found 1st instead of 3rd when downshifting for The Wiggler. Buzzed the engine momentarily and the shock to the transmission goes without saying.

Oh, and nice driving, by the way  :t-up:

I will sleep more easily tonight knowing that, haha. And thanks, shame you didn't get a proper crack at the layout :(

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Some good comments Adam, it's interesting to have a racer go sprinting, rather than the other way round. Normally our sprinters go racing and are ballistic off the start !! Sprinting is very much about getting your brain in gear and then going for it.


Howard, that an interesting comment from the organisers and we actually had roughly the number I suggested to them. It's a shame other clubs didn;t support it as well as WSCC.

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Westfield were 40% of the entry so that pretty good. I do not think many of their own club members attended and not too many from NSCC

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 It's a shame other clubs didn't support it as well as WSCC.

My thoughts entirely. 

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