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Cat Poo - any ideas to stop it?!


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Get a cat, that should sort it.


If you have a cat you will never have a cat poo problem...

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When we moved to our present house next doors cat left deposits most nights and never made any attempt to bury it. We re-worked the front garden with flower beds and lawn and this cat would dump in the middle of the new lawn. I tried several things and eventually bought a gismo Pest Bye from Primrose.co.uk for £20, it was battery operated and the sensor would pick up the heat from the cat and send out a high level sound which quickly moved the cat on to the neighbour opposite. It lasted about 2 years and when it failed the cat came back., I sent it back to Primrose under warranty and explained I should have bought the mains one for £30 and if it was being replaced I was wiling to pay the extra, they sent me the electric one FOC!! nice people. I used this for 2 more years when the cat died and now my youngest son is using it.

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There may be alternatives to stopping your youngest son from doing his business on the lawn...

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I'm no cat hater so I won't be harming them but yes electric flower beds, sirens and water jets get my vote!

I'LL get the money off the neighbour...Sometimes I wish I had that big musclely build, stature and meaness to do so something like that!!

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water will sort of work if you can catch it. the big cat poo dung thing is crap (literally) and stinks and doesn't work. best deterrent is the motion sensor ultrasonic device.


alternatively, and maybe a bit gross, but if you had space and purposefully left an box with just a bit of mud they would probably use that. they are fickle creatures and lazy so will take an easy option.


i have 2 litter trays and neither of our cats use them they are pristine boxes of white dust rammed next to the washer for the sole purpose of dropping clean wet washing into :d


any sort of violence towards a cat for crapping somewhere is not on. As much as its very annoying/dirty etc it should not be tolerated at all.

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Yes annoying as it is for me a motion sensor jet of water up its backside is about as far as I'm going, they're next doors kids pets NOT a terrorist cell!

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If you have a cat you will never have a cat poo problem...


I wish this were the case! We have two cats and two places in our small garden where other cats (definitely not ours) use as a toilet. I suspect they wouldn't see off a roden infestation if we had one either.


I don't really like cats and hope that we won't own any more after these two have gone (which should be rather a long time yet) as they repay your kindness with indifferance and save their affections for your neighbours. However if I found someone had hurt one of them a like-for-like retaliation would probably follow. Most of the people that do stuff (rather than the big mouths on the internet) cower away with thier anti-freeze though so I'd think it rare you ever find out who it was. Near work someone was seemingly drowning cats in the canal, which was pleasant.

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I certainly wouldn't entertain the idea of harm to a neighbour's cat. However, we used to have a problem with cats (belonging to other people) in our garden, and I purchased a couple of ultra-sonic devices. they run off a transformer which in turn is plugged permanently into the mains. Some people say they aren't effective, but I have to say that since I installed them we rarely get a cat in the garden now, unless they are a good way off from the ultra-sonic. The devices weren't expensive, and I can't remember where I got them from, sorry.

The transformer is small, just a little charger really, and sits near the inside power point. The low voltage cable is quite thin, and can go through a window, and still allows the window to shut. The device itself is fixed to the brickwork, pointing more or less where I particularly want to deter the cats. One at the front points at the fish pond, and the one at the back points at the bird tables.

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I wish this were the case! We have two cats and two places in our small garden where other cats (definitely not ours) use as a toilet. I suspect they wouldn't see off a roden infestation if we had one either.


I don't really like cats and hope that we won't own any more after these two have gone (which should be rather a long time yet) as they repay your kindness with indifferance and save their affections for your neighbours. However if I found someone had hurt one of them a like-for-like retaliation would probably follow. Most of the people that do stuff (rather than the big mouths on the internet) cower away with thier anti-freeze though so I'd think it rare you ever find out who it was. Near work someone was seemingly drowning cats in the canal, which was pleasant.

i have first hand experience of how a cat dies from poisoning, the scene from kill bill where she fights the crazy 88 would have been easier to clean up. it was not pleasant


unfortunately it is almost impossible to prove although a guy in runcorn was prosecuted for it.

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As I understand it cats wont poo where's a more dominate cat around: Longleat safari Park used to sell lion poo - no moggy is going to chance messing with that :o  :o  :o  

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Has anyone else realized that a thread with 'cat poo' in the title is clocking up more views and replies than any other thread on this forum at the moment.

Whatever floats your boat. :):)

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