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Cat Poo - any ideas to stop it?!


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My garden is small cobbled area with 2 small garden boxes that the cats use as their toilets.

Fitted spikes in the boxes but they dont care about that, now they're content with pooing on the concrete areas!

Any ideas before I poop on the neighbours lawn myself in protest?

Thanks a cat detesting Westy owner.

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Air rifle LOL


Water pistol them in the act, or drench them with a big bucket of water, then they wont be back

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Water pistol if you can catch them at it! Or try "scent off" available from garden centres. I'm not guaranteeing the latter will work, but may be worth a try.

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Our next door neighbour has a device that emits a high pitch squeak when it detects cat presence, that seems to do the trick

I used to live in a culdisack, I'm sure every house in it owned a cat !!..apart from me ! I wasted money on pepper dust & the like, nothing worked, I was told that the only thing that really works is big cat dung, dug into your soil or placed around the garden, but as we didn't have a zoo close by, I would stand in the doorway & launch my size 9's at the swines!!

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One or two injections of lead poisoning administered from a Beretta .....can be a bit noisy but should do the trick............

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Oh this is a sneaky cat, does it at 3am I think. Runs a mile soon as it sees me. Mentioned it to owner - why do they think they are exempt and its funny? And if a dog pooed in their garden it'd be a different matter I bet!!

And seriously at my old house I told the neighbour i'd have a midnight poop on their lawn if they didn't get a cat litter tray... seemed to work!

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"Cat's don't poo, they're cute and fluffy and clean."



I'd love to see if cat owners still thought that if I took their cat and shaved all it's hair off.

I'd also love to go on a date with a cat owner, sit their licking my hands and cleaning my face with spit, I'm guessing date #2 wouldn't happen.........


I don't hate cats, I just hate this concept that they're completely clean, which means they can run around on kitchen work surfaces or get into your bed at night and shove their backside in your face.



I have a raised bed for growing veg, last year I was digging it out and found a huge pile of cat poo just under the surface. I've been considering a car battery operated electrical "deterrent" (basically rewiring my slug killer, into a cat rehabilitation device) and/or a cheap PIR sensor rigged up to a water valve/solenoid.

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A neighbour shot one of my cats with an air rifle and the pellet lodged in her neck. This was found on the X-rays. She then ran and was hit by a car and we found her barely alive. We had to have her back end rebuilt with a specialist cage which cost 2000 pounds. She had her back leg also amputated. She was later shot again and killed. She had not messed in his garden. He just did not like cats.

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I have a similar issue.  They love a gravel drive.


All suited and booted a while back, driving to work and I can smell something.  Get to work and see that I've trodden in it and it's all over my cars floor mat. Find a patch of grass to clean myself up as best as I can.  Get into my office and the smell lingers - think it has worked it's way into the carpet around my desk.  Two weeks later I still caught the occassional scent.  I've moved desks now.

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One may not like cats pooing in one's garden (and who would?) but harming the cat is never the answer.  It's almost certainly someone's pet and loved by someone, and if they find out you harmed them, you can pretty much guarantee retaliation at some point.


My step-daughter's beloved pet cat was hit by a car yesterday morning and killed.  She found it lying dead by the kerb when she went out to go to work, and is devastated.  I had a wonderful cat who was shot through the leg while sitting on my back fence, but it made a full recovery - I found out who did it and I can assure you I very much had my pound of flesh. :angry:


What you want is a motion-activated water jet device (many are available) that sprays anything that walks into your yard.  Cats will get the hint very quickly indeed after that and poo elsewhere without you lifting a finger or acquiring lion poo from the zoo.

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A neighbour shot one of my cats with an air rifle and the pellet lodged in her neck. This was found on the X-rays. She then ran and was hit by a car and we found her barely alive. We had to have her back end rebuilt with a specialist cage which cost 2000 pounds. She had her back leg also amputated. She was later shot again and killed. She had not messed in his garden. He just did not like cats.


Many years ago, half the cats in my street had come home missing a leg, it was a complete mystery for about 4 years, until some bloke was arrested for carrying a shotgun down the street and his house got search, they found bear traps in his back garden, some with mangled cats legs still caught up in them.


No matter how mean a squirt of water or a mild electric shock may seem, it's nothing compared to ripping their legs off.

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Like Lyonspride & Buttercup I don't dislike cats, I don't like standing in their crap in my garden and with two young grandsons who have great fun running around the back garden I wouldn't like them to do the same! Tried those scent sticks but was a waste of money.

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I had one that used to go in my flower bed,spray the front of the cars and flick dirt all over the drive

Then sit by my pond waiting for a koi to get close

There was a pile of missiles where he sat that ide launched at him

Lion dung supposed to work well as said above but dont let them catch you :)

Ive also heard curry plants or anything citrus

Cats are a pita when they choose your area

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