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Top Gear Xmas Special - 27/28th December


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The presenters have become very likable and part of the program is about them but Top gear is rapidly becoming sensationalized.

Why would you drive sports cars off road?

Ending up in a bog and crossing over a bridge to a dead end, not very realistic.

Its entertaining but getting same old same old

IMHO of course. (and I still watch it every year. :) )

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I thought it was not as good as previous ones too, maybe it is getting a bit to same old same old.

Or maybe they were told to tone it down a bit after the number plate furore ?

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I wonder if the number plate furore has required them to pad it out as the don't have the planned ending that would have probably filled alot of time.


I still watched and enjoyed apart from the section with the cars bottoming out.


Infact top gear, James may Toy Story, Bear grylls and the queens speech were all I could salvage from the christmas TV schedule.

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Our telly didn't get turned on til' 9pm on Christmas night, then it was just cos' the wife wanted to watch a recording of Call the Midwife.

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I heard Hammond on Radio 2 recently saying that they were not aware of the number plate issue. Clearly this was to drum up viewing figures, as the first instalment was a tad boring

Of course they were aware of the number plate, do they think we are that daft?

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I got to El Calafate before TG :)


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We spotted this racetrack on the road into El Calafate.



Then some cars in town, like the sponsors.


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Yeah it looked a little 'uncomfortable'

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They did seem genuinely rattled by it.  They had a lot of nice things to say about Argentina, and I'm sure the rude comments were edited out.


I think that going to a place full of Belgrano survivors was a bit daft, but somebody should have told the locals that these people are ridiculed in the UK

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But 90% of part two was still pretty boring, with only the last few minutes being surprising.  I would probably not bother to watch another TG special, there's no special left in it, just driving cars in completely inappropriate places.

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In my opinion the top gear producers knew exactly what they were doing regarding the number plate, it's definately a stunt Clarkson would do, way too much of a coincidence for it not to have been planned, it definately back fired!! ....the crew were lucky none of them were seriously injured, I also got the impression the presenters were not in the convoy of vehicles

I wasn't fussed on the two episodes at all, apart from the stunning scenery, but like most of us who made a comment, I'll be back for more next time.

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It might follow the same formula.....................but still way more entertaining than 95% of the rubbish on TV

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In my opinion the top gear producers knew exactly what they were doing regarding the number plate, it's definately a stunt Clarkson would do, way too much of a coincidence for it not to have been planned


I'll bite... did they find the number plate then plan a whole trip on it?


No way was that bit planned.


Presumably their fixers told them they'd get a better reception there than they actually got.

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