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Our Christmas Day Dinner.

Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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Thanks for the replies boys and girls.

My plan b is to go in the Bmw and sit under the railway viaduct arches and still have the dinner

If you image search for Glaisdale bridge then we are going to sit by the river on a stone.

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You sure know how to treat a girl :)

If i told my missus i was taking her out to sit on a stone under a bridge ide spend the day in A&E

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Well all packed up and ready to go.

We have food, kindling, 8 logs, walking boots. A couple of mini bottles of wine and a load of buffet food. Sun is shining.

Merry Christmas to you all.

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Hi guitarman.


I try to do something different every year.


It does not always work though.


last year I found a hotel in the lakes that I booked and paid for and our lass went spare when she found out that I had planned a picnic for Christmas day dinner at the singing ringing tree which is right up on the pennines and there was 2 feet of snow at the time.


She read the hotel review and it said that it looked like Chewbacca had slept in the bed.


I only told her on Christmas eve what we had planned and it was a difficult day. hahaha


Lol some people just have no sense of adventure ..............

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Here are some pictures of our Christmas Day dinner.





















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Different :)

But I think your good ladies harness needs adjusting properly, that waist strap could choke her, it's supposed to around the waist ???

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Hi paul.


Thanks for the advice on the harness.


I will re-adjust it.

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Well done for coming up with something different, looks like a great time!


But like Paul said, that harness desperately needs adjusting - at the moment it could turn a minor incident into a major one.


The lap belt must be reasonably tight across the pelvis, Tighten and adjust the lap belts first, then do the shoulder straps, trying hard, (though it can be tricky), not to pull the lap belt up. Unlock many modern cars, the harnesses have no for of self tensioning/pre tensioning in an impact, so need to be as tight as possible really. (You'll never have them as tight as they really need to be, on the road, it's just too uncomfortable, but get them as tight as you can live with).


Sorry if it sounds like a moan - I love to see you and your other half getting maximum fun out of the car; but I admit my blood ran cold when I saw that shot. (In a slow to moderate speed incident, she's taking all the load on her - comparatively weak - rib cage and major organs, in a major impact, she's just going to slide straight out.)


if if she finds harnesses too uncomfortable, then I'd possibly consider (re)fitting a standard inertia real belt for her. 

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Hi Dave.


Thanks again for the advice and concern.


We will make sure that it is altered before we next go out.


I did think about removing the picture following the above comments but think it will be better to leave it as it is just in case it helps someone else.


thanks again all.

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;) Safety Fast  :d 


(Says the man who will be lucky to escape the Christmas holidays alive at this rate - I keep getting attacked by things in the kitchen! I've decided its a message from the universe, telling me I don't belong in the kitchen  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  )

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If your girlfriend sticks with you after that beef stew, you need to marry her!

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That stew was really tasty and I can recommend them.


The bottom of the tin was more like a thick soup though but it was tasty.


my girlfriend said she would do it all again as we really did have a great day.

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The other Arf looks happy enough, so well done on your special Xmas day out :yes:  :yellow-westy:

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