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Our Christmas Day Dinner.

Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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Afternoon All.


I thought I would share my Christmas Day plans with you to see what you thought.


My girlfriend took some convincing as when she found out my plans for last year she went mental and refused to go so its a milestone this year.


I bought one of the luggage racks from Paul Ash and this has allowed me to fit a picnic hamper and a bag on the back of Buttercup.


In the picnic basket are two hot meals in a can. Beef Stew and Dumplings. These cans cook themselves and you have a hot meal in 12 minutes.


The dessert is chocolate sponge in chocolate custard and this is in a bag. This bag goes inside another bag which acts as the cooker. To get the heat going you need water which we will be taking out of the river at Glaisdale.


I have some miniature bottles of wine, some Christmas music to take on the laptop and I have also put in a bag some kindling and logs so we can have a fire.


And that's our Christmas Day dinner.


Out in Buttercup, sat under a viaduct at the side of a river. A little fire going whilst we listen to Christmas music eating stew and dumplings out of a tin and chocolate sponge and chocolate custard cooked with river water.

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I love a modest Christmas dinner too - it's still better than a lot of people will get this year.

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The car is Buttercup and I am known as "Mr party sausage roll".


I obviously wont explain why.

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Surely you must have turkey even if its only sandwiches

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Hi Terry.


not really a turkey fan and not so much into chicken at the moment as I am currently building parts of a chicken factory where they kill 15000 chickens an hour.


I tried to get a Christmas dinner in a tin but they were out of stock., hence the stew and dumplings.

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Hi guitarman.


I try to do something different every year.


It does not always work though.


last year I found a hotel in the lakes that I booked and paid for and our lass went spare when she found out that I had planned a picnic for Christmas day dinner at the singing ringing tree which is right up on the pennines and there was 2 feet of snow at the time.


She read the hotel review and it said that it looked like Chewbacca had slept in the bed.


I only told her on Christmas eve what we had planned and it was a difficult day. hahaha

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Your plans sound brilliant to me and I hope you both enjoy your day. I hate Christmas, visiting, shopping, yuk. Last year was the first year that we didn't go to North Northumberland and hide. We went instead onto the High Peak Trail and went cycling on an empty track. We had fruit cake and a flask of coffee at lunchtime. Another couple also came on cycles and sat on the table next to us, laid out a Christmas tablecloth, got out 2 wine glasses, filled them and shouted over a cheery merry Christmas to us.


We did go home and have a full turkey dinner at tea time though. Not everyone's idea of a normal Christmas but not much of my life is normal.



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I shall be pottering up the garage and doing a few little jobs on the Westie before coming back into the house to a fully laden dinner complete with turkey and all the trimmings ....................... after which I'll have a little nap while my dearest does all the washing up  :)





Some of the above is not true  :d


I do admire your inventiveness and it sounds much more fun than bloated post lunch brussel sproutitus. :rolleyes:      

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Hope the weather is with you.....!!


It could work. If you do all the prep, she'll dig it ................for about a couple of hours..........then she'll want to go home. 


Tell you what, just noticed in your description, "Girlfriend".......could pull ring out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


or is that a swear word???

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mmm could go massively either way this one - is there a plan b? :laugh:

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Sounds good Buttercup.


My Xmas day will be along the lines of up early at about 6am, do the horses until 8.  Bacon butty cooked at yard followed by ride out on our two big ones and leading the small ones, stirrup cup at the Griffin in Mears Ashby with a pint of guinness for the horses. Back to yard and sort them out then walk dogs across the field to the pub before lucnh at 3pm my mums - happy days 

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Afternoon All.


I thought I would share my Christmas Day plans with you to see what you thought.


My girlfriend took some convincing as when she found out my plans for last year she went mental and refused to go so its a milestone this year.


I bought one of the luggage racks from Paul Ash and this has allowed me to fit a picnic hamper and a bag on the back of Buttercup.


In the picnic basket are two hot meals in a can. Beef Stew and Dumplings. These cans cook themselves and you have a hot meal in 12 minutes.


The dessert is chocolate sponge in chocolate custard and this is in a bag. This bag goes inside another bag which acts as the cooker. To get the heat going you need water which we will be taking out of the river at Glaisdale.


I have some miniature bottles of wine, some Christmas music to take on the laptop and I have also put in a bag some kindling and logs so we can have a fire.


And that's our Christmas Day dinner.


Out in Buttercup, sat under a viaduct at the side of a river. A little fire going whilst we listen to Christmas music eating stew and dumplings out of a tin and chocolate sponge and chocolate custard cooked with river water.

Who said romance was dead?



A turkey dinner may be more apt for this occasion though.

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