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CAMBS - Santa Pod RWYB - Sat 21st March - inc night run

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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Just booked onto a "run what you brung" day at Santa Pod on Saturday the 21st of March - not sure if this is my cup of tea but I reckon we can make a really good day out of it


Total price is £40 which includes the track license, circuit entry and booking fees (£4.00 pfft even if you opt to print tickets at home)


For more info click here... http://www.rwyb.co.uk/


It is a bit early in the year for my liking but they dont appear to do them through the main months due to the track being booked for main drag or club events


So who is up for this then?





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It is fun for a few runs.


There are several dates each month through the year.  Personally I would pick a date in April or May when less likely to be wet.  They won't open the track if at all damp

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Check the dates David you will see there aren't any unless you want to pay for a pro testing day (peak performance day)


edited: other date is start of May (clashes with Stoneleigh)  :( 


So anyway I am committed now to the date in March :d

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The event diary I am looking at shows for May



1 RWYB with late evening running also

1 pro performance day

1 Peak performance day

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That seems to have lots of dates missing compared to the 2015 diary. see link on the left of the rwyb site.

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I shall be bringing my camera kit so would be aiming to get some good shots :t-up:

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Sorry Bernie if that misleading - I meant your track time

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Love to come, but March is a bit iffy weatherwise, I'll make up my mind the day before.    Been there before and waited till noon before they cleared the ice from the track, only got 3 runs in.  I went in my Skoda Fabia and clocked 14.7, not bad for a DERV.

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like anything Bernie you pays your money you take your chance


Must admit its a bl**** long way for you to travel - its only about 40 mins for me

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