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Yorkshire Coast to Coast (East) Sunday 7 September

Rory's Dad

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Thankyou for posting the picture. Do you have any more. It's always good to see them.

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Cheers Martin

My son Andrew was going to post some last night but he has a physics test today at school but I'll ask him if he can tonight.


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Thank you again to Martin for another great day, what a top bloke.

Here are some pictures from the day, sorry Buttercup for the delay, we really are going to have to show you how to dob a holiday in at work so you can join us when we are on your doorstep, that's twice in nearly as many weeks!






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Thanks for the pictures.


You have no idea how much I wanted to go on both days.


I wont discuss my movements...and I don't mean poo..... In the public eye but all Friday night and also Saturday I so wanted to throw a sickie but to be honest that's not my way.


I often go over the moors and potter about on all sorts of roads up there just to see where I end up but I was itching to the west ride.


I must have checked this forum 20 times a day on my phone hoping for pictures.


I once said to you I loved the colour of your car.... and I do. Your car is beautiful and it looks really smart with the bags on the back and the peaks on the lights.


I really do like the "touring look" and to be honest that's more my type of thing.


if there is one place I want to go with Buttercup it is the top left of Scotland and just to drive the road round Loch Eribol............don't even know why I said that here. lol

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Here's a few from me,










A great day out, must do it again sometime.

Lke your last photo Julie.


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Some more photos, sorry about the multiple postings but I'm crap with computers and I've yet to find an edit button that I'm used to on another Forum.



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Hope this works. My son recorded My Westy coming down Sutton bank. We were held up by cars in front so I just left it in second gear and when it slowed a little just gave it a touch of throttle. It does have a great induction roar  :d


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Barry what a marvelous car you have, the other Wednesday when we were waiting at The Flouch Inn for you it was my ears that were on high alert, and you did not fail me.


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Hi Julie

My cars working its way towards its first ASBO it's nowt to do with me, honestly  :rolleyes:


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