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Blood test, KO faint, what a big girls blouse...

John K

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I too have regular blood tests and luckily doesn't bother me.

A mate of mine is a traffic bobby and has seen some truely gruesome sight decapitations etc. One evening he was watching tv, a program on Jewish religion which amongst other items discussed circumcision! Next thing his wife is trying to wake him up as he'd fell off the sofa and was out cold.

Very weird the way the mind works.

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I don't think I'd do too well in that situation!  I'd ask them to put a bl**dy tap in I think.


Scott, I'm a huge fan of superglue for that sort of thing. Sliced my leg open with a Stanley knife some time back, quick squirt of superglue, change of trousers for a pair not covered in blood and back to work.


They were feeding me introveinous antiboitics through one of those at the same time.

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I've had a wee nap during giving blood. They ran a blood suger and found I'd skipped breakfast and was running on empty. Might be worth checking.


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Doesn't help much when it's a fasting blood test, and you're not allowed anything on the run up to it!

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One time for me was a fasting one, made worse when I misunderstood the instructions and fasted for 24 hours.......sure that didn't help. Recently they haven't been fasting tests so no help there unfortunately. they even checked my blood sugar last time and it was fine. The 70/40 blood pressure reading worried them enough to wire me up to the ECG. When I'm not in the middle of an unexpected reboot, my BP is normally, well, normal 120/80 which is pretty good for an old fart like me.

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