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Dropped stitch in life's tapestry


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I am leaning towards keeping as the car owes me nothing, i have a small amount of inheritance from years ago in it but things would have to get bad in resale to lose that!


So to sell would be moving the money else where and not wastealthough i dont believe i would ever get another again not for a very long time if at all!


As for the next FS in my life if she doesnt like Westfields then ...................................................................Tough S**T! lol

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I think I've spent too much time on PistonHeads S my immediate thought was to sell it to a family member for £1 just in case she wants a half share! Do try and keep it as everyone else has said. Good luck.

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She's taken our car she knows this is off bounds!

She and my solicitor know it's a shovel and a bag of line job if she ventures near it lol

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wingnut as an expert in such matters I will add more fully to this thread later :-) 

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From my understanding line helps the body to decompose quicker and the shovels for the hole

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I think the lime would be a mistake. Although a common movie myth, it was actually used to prevent purification (bacteria causing the stench) but in most cases dries the corpse out and mumifies (preserves) it.

Find a beach with large tidal travel and dig the hole at low water mark, 3 hours later no trace, no smell, no sniffer dogs.

just saying.....

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woodchipper available - very reasonable day hire available  :p   (joke)

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Ahhh, Brick-Top....(as opposed to a black top or a red top....)

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24 " but it has to be frozen first - chest freezers I have.  chip directly into a river….

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Now there's a thought! Straight into a river! Lol

Just need to get her to diet now so she will fit in!

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Wingnut, the advice on getting rid of a body is poor, after watching Snatch, all you need is a mate called Earl and a pig farm!! None of this shovelling and buying lime and even the best cleaner will still leave traces in a wood chipper, pig will eat everything and even the best CSI will find no trace.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi everybody


Well i wont lie, Its been a very hard 6 months or so the westfield and the owners club have been neglected and thrown on the back burner with what happened. I feel ashamed for my behaviour but Its all been for the new venture in finding myself a new home for me and my son (and the only lady in my life the westy)


As you all said along with everyone else "It will be ok, everything happens for a reason, theres light at the end of the tunnel etc etc etc"


Well I hate being proven wrong and i have been, as of October i was divorced and by November i managed to get myself back on the property ladder and have spent the last two months working every available hour to get the house decorated to somewhere near where i would like it to be! Me and the lad should be moving in next month all being well! Oh and as you all said "dont sell the westy try your hardest too keep it" you will be pleased to know shes still mine and my new home has a rather nice brick kennel for my animal! so alls well that ends well


All thats left for me too say


firstly is thankyou for all your advice and support last year, ive not met you all but some real friends on here!


Secondly a big sorry for the neglect to the club and especially the Manchester meet, ive not seen them since Stoneleigh. Now my heads out my A**e ill be making my way back to the meets as soon as i can (If u will take me back?) :cry:


Regards Scott


P.s Happy New Year

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