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Peoples reaction to the Westie is a real tonic...

John K

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Only ever had positive responses, my favourite ploy is when there is a group of kids on the pavement facing away from me, give it a couple of down shifts as you pass (exhaust is on passenger side) they usually jump a few feet in the air then give you a big wave.


Also love seeing youngsters pulling there parents around shouting 'Cooooool car!' The dads always turn around and smile, some of the mums smile but the kids reaction is priceless.

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My fave was a blat out to Bibury in my Mazda SDV with Jon Clancy in his XI.  We parked up for a small libation in a posh hotel and found a swarm of Japanese tourists flocking around the cars - they had never seen anything like it!  


One young lass who spoke a bit of english asked if they were british cars, to which I said yes, but lifted the bonnet to reveal the cam covers...they went into raptures on seeing a japanese engine in there! Lots and lots of photos taken of both cars.



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I've only had good reactions, in fact I've had several cars pull right over to let me pass, just like when I used to have a motorcycle. Poole quay was fun last Friday, when it was 7 night (organised by the Caterham boys) Over 70 Caterhams and about 3 Westfields a few other marques. Mine got more than its fair share of attention from people, I had to keep taking the bonnet off for people that wanted to see the engine, which is fine, but gets heavy on the foot to stop it touching the tarmac!


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... when there is a group of kids on the pavement facing away from me, give it a couple of down shifts as you pass (exhaust is on passenger side) they usually jump a few feet in the air then give you a big wave.



That is childish and immature... And flipping great fun so that's why I do it as often as possible :t-up:

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It should be mandatory to have a CRB check before you are allowed to drive a Westfield because I have had no end of kids come and sit in my car. You just couldn't say that on any other forum. My hubby is the most friendliest person that I have ever met and he just sits there waving at everyone we go past, I am sure they will cart him away one day. Trouble is that will leave me sat there waving at everyone.


The best was only a couple of weeks ago, I was backing off the drive (quiet residential estate) and had to stop to let a fire engine drive past, just how big was the grin and the wave then eh!

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I generally get great reactions, but occasionally I get reps in tin tops who seem to wash their windscreens an awful lot more often than normal. Must be an envy thing.

That's usually why I insist on being in front if them.... ;)

If I'm away from the car and it's parked I get the tell tale mirrors knocked out of position suggesting someone's had a nose.

Once though someone had turned the lights on - must re-wire them sometime.

Like others have said, whichever side of the fence people are on, it turns their heads every time!

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Had someone do the windscreen washer thing while I was behind them on the dual carriageway one evening, no worries, I accelerated hard till I was along side, then lifted right off. I suspect the large flame from the exhaust may have actually singed paint on his door. Certainly scared the bejesus out of him. The blue flames look so pretty in the dark...

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Un-burnt fuel on the over-run, gets sucked/blown straight through the engine, ends up lighting off in the hot exhaust. (It goes with the pops and crackles, can be mapped out on an FI car, but why? :d )

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Or, switch the ignition off then on again with the throttle open, bear in mind the cost of replacement silencer (Westfield 6in with CAT £800.) it can be an expensive trick!!!!

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No Cat, and the Simpsons can was a tough old bird.


But naturally, I wouldn't encourage such behaviour.

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Or, switch the ignition off then on again with the throttle open, bear in mind the cost of replacement silencer (Westfield 6in with CAT £800.) it can be an expensive trick!!!!

We used to do that with our Morris Minor vans at work,  workshops always had a good supply of silencers :d .

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