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Peoples reaction to the Westie is a real tonic...

John K

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The only negative comment I recall was coming up behind a mini with a woman driver on the phone behind a tractor on a section of  clear road, my exhaust packing has long gone and the exhaust is motorbike race can levels ( still passes the MOT though), so down a couple of gears and overtake. She was not concentrating on anything but the phone and I probably woke her up  later she caught me up while I was waiting in the right hand lane approaching at a busy roundabout, she shouts out " have you got a small penus" ?? Sorry love I replied it's rather large, try the next roundabout, she was so annoyed she shot off into the roundabout and almost caused an accident. Made me laugh for over a week. :d :d :d :d




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Same experiences for me. I let a young family who were having a good look at it, have a seat in it. When they tried to take their youngest out again he started crying!


Compared to when I had a porsche 944 and I actually had people on the street call me a 'w*****' and give me a strange hand wave.

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Bloomin Heck.


I get called a  w**** all the time and that's without Buttercup anywhere near me.

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I have to admit i've considered buying a silly hat to wear when driving the Westfield, just to make people think twice before jumping to conclusions. The problem really is that if people knew how old the car is and how inexpensive they are to buy/insure, they'd see things differently, but as it stands I think they see my as being a bit of a show off.

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I always let people sit in the car and take pictures especially all the youngsters as they wander up the sea front.


I bought these for Buttercup and have had such great fun with them.


They are not fixed permanently though and slide right off.



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I always let people sit in the car and take pictures especially all the youngsters as they wander up the sea front.


I bought these for Buttercup and have had such great fun with them.


They are not fixed permanently though and slide right off.




You really do deserve a prize... From the name to the lashes, its all just brilliant..!

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I had a kitcar years ago but really love this one.


We have had such fun with her its been great.


I spent hours looking for a font that suited her and settled on this one.


We drive down the sea front and so many shout "Buttercup"


I then usually wave or toot the horn.



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On balance positive reactions or none at all. Most of the positives are from kids of various ages but I've had plenty of waves etc drivers if TVRs, Morgans and Caterhams. Since I've ditched the windscreen bikers seem to be friendly too.

I can only remember one negative, which was some chavs walking in the countryside (can't think what they were doing there unless it was ribbing the nearby farm) who simply shouted a 6 letter word beginning with W.

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Always great reactions to the xtr. Not every day you see on the road.

When 'the boys and i' travel to stoneleigh, people slow down all the time to take photos, when you get an XTR, a stratos, a caterham and a porsche speedster i convoy. :-)

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I was at my favourite pub in Stratford-on-Avon with The Wench parked out front when a poser parked right behind me in a 911 GT3, lovely car, but sniffed at mine.  For the next hour, The Wench was surrounded by people admiring and taking photos of her and no one even looked at the 911, much to the owner's obbvious disgust - and my mirth.


I've come to the conclusion people love Westfields because they're exactly what they look like - pure, simple, honest fun without being precious - and very British. 


Folks, look around you.  You're surrounded by mundane people driving mundane cars and leading unchallenging mundane lives.  You're living the dream they never will - never forget it.

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Like others have said, I always get positive reactions from other road users and pedestrians alike.


Two experiences I can recount, The first Was while I was filling up, if you have seen my car I have big "Jenvey" stickers on the side of it. One fellow came up to me and suggested I should remove the "J"


And a more recent experience was while I was waiting in traffic at lights when some local kids came up taking pictures with their phones and one young lad came over to me mumbling something and holding his fist out. as he came closer he said "respect" so we touched fists and off he ran to his mates with a big grin on his face.  :d

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... one young lad came over to me mumbling something and holding his fist out. as he came closer he said "respect" so we touched fists and off he ran to his mates with a big grin on his face.  :d


I dare you to estimate the age difference..!


Reading back, the only -ve comments seem to come from 'young lads'... Having been one (ahem... 30 years ago) , I think secretly they think our cars are unbelievably cool, but hormones and stupid bravado in front of their mates prevents them from saying so.  

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I dare you to estimate the age difference..!



I am not too embarrassed to admit somewhere in the region of 38 yrs!!!

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- I was sat at a set of lights and a middle aged fat scruffy bloke sitting outside a pub ( anyone driven through tamworth !! ) started shouting over " recession not effected you pal / whats it like being you / must be nice affording that when the countrys in this state"

I smiled and tried to ignore him but he had an audience so carried on digging

This was mid afternoon on a week day

The lights were 4 way so ive no option but to listen to the pratt

He obviously thought it cost a fortune

As the traffic started moving i shouted back that maybe he could afford one if he didnt sit outside a pub all day

Best + was a small meet and i sighed as a lovely cobra rep pulled in behind me,all chrome and noise, and parked next to me

After having a look round the cars i looked over to see a family standind next to mine having photos taken , then walk past the cobra without a glance :)

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Pulled into town and a young couple admired the car I said to the chap if he wanted to sit in it his look was amazing he then had his girlfriend take photos and post "do you like my new car" on Facebook.

Big smiles

Virtually all friendly responses except from obvious morons that are jealous.

I still like the laughs and thumbs up you get from most.

I get the cold shoulder from my next door neighbour who bought a 911 for show. He cut me up once and then decided to show off his expensive car and how much better than my cheap tacky kit car. I don't think it helped our relationship when I kept up with him as he tried to lose me he he!

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